Ch. 59 - Chase

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(1 month later)

"I can't believe my own son would turn on us, on me." David, the third said sadly to beta Marcus.

"Me either, I never expected this kind of betrayal from our sons." Marcus replied.

I moved from eavesdropping behind the wall and headed down to where we were keeping Garrett. He hadn't told us anything useful other than Chase and him were apart of Dexter's plan. How long they had been we didn't know. I knew something was off with those two I just assumed it was because they were pissed from losing Rose and Iris.

I didn't know how Rose was going to hear the news of Chase working with Dexter. I didn't even know if she was alive anymore. Blade had been trying to connect to Rae but he said it's like she's gone, vanished out of thin air.

We had no way of contacting my mate and it was killing me inside. All I know is if we find Chase. I'm going to kill him slowly, painfully, starting with his eyes then ears then tongue. I'll peel his skin off his bones, pull his intestines from his throat and I was going to enjoy it.

"You're a fucking dickwad you know that."

I heard Iris say as I opened the door to the last remaining cell in the castle. Garrett was lucky he was in a cell, Iris could've killed him several times if it hadn't been for James holding her back. James was sitting on a bench keeping a close eye on his mate who was glaring at Garrett through the silver bars.

"Anything?" I asked James.

James shook his head. "He's said nothing."

I sighed taking a seat next to James. Iris paced angrily while Garrett just sat on the floor amused from her anger.

"I can't believe I was engaged to you. You're a backstabber piece of shit." She growled.

Garrett smiled. "Doll we are still engaged despite you having a mate."

James growled, Iris who was facing away from him held her finger up behind her at him, clearly meaning shut up.

"I would rather die. I left you once and you bet your ass I'll keep leaving. For all I care you can rot in hell." She spat.

He rolled his eyes. "You killed your first mate Iris. I think you better be careful not to kill your second."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw James tense up. his jaw locked and he balled his fists.

"Shut up." She said quickly.

I looked back at Garrett who stood up brushing dirt off. "How did it kill the person who was meant for you. I should actually thank you, ha, you did my job for me."

Before I could process what he said, Iris was done. She screamed breaking open the silver door lunging for Garrett. James and I shot off the bench after her but it was too late... A crunch sound and a plop sound stopped us in our tracks.

Garrett's body was slumped over and Iris stood breathing heavily shaking. As Iris turned around she clenched a bloody object proudly sneering at it. I looked down at Garrett, his body flopped onto his back and a large gaping hole stuck out of his chest.

His heart was missing. And it was in Iris's hand.

"One bastard left to go." She growled.



I should get up. I thought to myself, I was unconscious but slowly coming around but debated on whether I should stay on the floor or attempt to get up.

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