Ch. 23 - Controlling Rae

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"Damn it Rae." I cursed slamming my fist onto my desk. I've about had it with my mate and her wolf, they've been pushing my limits for the past week.

She whipped her pony tail slamming the door behind her. Blade chuckled inside me.

'What?' I snapped.

'Our mate is a feisty one.' Blade replied.

I mentally rolled my eyes, 'Your mate is stubborn, mines an angel.'

'Rae and Rose are both our mates.' Blade defended.

'You get the stubborn one.'

'Don't be pissed that Rae hasn't given up control.' Blade said matter of factly.

Every since Rose shifted, Rae has taken complete control over her body. Rae said that because she doesn't trust me and my ways she will control Rose for as long as she wants to until I prove to her.

Which is a bunch of bullshit because every time I do something good, Rae blows it off. So I'm always at square one with her.

'Just go apologize.' Blade said.

I scoffed, 'Me? I didn't do anything. I am not letting her go take a run when I know damn well she's going to take off and never come back.'

'If you want to make progress it's starts with an apology genius.' And with that Blade retreated to the back of my mind.

Maybe he was right. If I want to prove to her that I am trying to change might as well bite my tongue and say sorry.

I sighed and left the office to find Rose. I found her in the kitchen drinking a cup of water when she looked at me her eyes were back to normal.

They were the pretty green with yellow flecks. Right when she saw me enter the kitchen she let out a growl and her eyes turned back to silver.

Damn it.

I held my hands up, "Rae, come on just let me talk to her."

"Hell no. Your dealing with me now, and I'm harder to convince than Rose." She glared at me.

She set the glass in the sink and began to walk away from me. I reached out grabbing her arm and yanking her back.

"Let me go." She challenges pulling at my wrist.

"No." I challenged back.

I was really done with her attitude. She growled at me again and it happened so fast. She managed to twist my hand off her wrist and shove me off her sending me into the cupboards.

What the hell? How does she have so much strength and power?
Before I could even adjust to what happened Rae screamed clutching her stomach.

I looked at her and for a few seconds her eyes were back to green but it kept switching silver to green and then she bursted into her wolf.

Her wolf writhed around crashing all around the kitchen.

"Rose. Fight it, fight the urge." I put my hand out as I steadily walked to her.

She let out a howl and I saw her eyes. The white wolf took off and I took off after her. I think Rose was fighting for control.

"Rose!" I called out running in my human form after her wolf.

She continued to irgnore my calls and picked up the pace leaving dust in my face. Why moon goddess did you pair me up with a mate who had the most stubborn inner wolf.

I was preparing to shift into my wolf form but not yet. As I chased Rose I went into her mind. Her thoughts were all over the place, a mixture of hers and Rae's.

Before I managed to identify what they were talking about Rae screamed in my head.

'GET OUT OF MY HEAD!' I covered my ears landing to my knees.

Her deadly scream left my ears ringing and a bad headache. I didn't even notice that she stopped running because I felt her head butt me into a tree stump.

She bared snapping her teeth at me getting into a crouch position.
I felt blood oozing from my arm but I didn't care. I was in shock.

My. Own. Freaking. Mate. Attacked. Me. Anger rumbled inside of me as I challenged her with a grow.

She pounced again but I was ready for her. She jumped but I caught her mid air and shoved her into a tree but this time knocking it down.

Realizing what just happened I ran to her side. God damn it! I just hurt my mate, again.

Instead of being in her wolf form, she was in her human form lying on her side. She had tears in her eyes as she sat up.

My heart raced as I watched her cry.

"Rose, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." I apologized over and over carrassing her face.

"No I'm sorry." She sobbed. I peeled off my shirt and helped her put it on to cover up and so I wouldn't be tempted.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I assurred her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as I moved to sit next to her.

Her body trembled. "Rae-she's really strong and always wants to be in control."

I rubbed her arm to soothe her. I know what she was going through, she was going through the after math of the shifting process.

Your inner wolf wants to control your body more than you want them to.

"I know she's strong. But Rose you have to take charge, otherwise you could end up in a bad place." I warned her.

It was very important for the inner wolf and the wolf to maintain a balance between control. If the inner wolf were to take over completely, they would become rogues.

She looked at my arm and gasped. "I...I hurt you."

She touched around it and began to cry more.

I took her hand in mine. "Baby you didn't hurt me. Look it's already healing, I'm good."

My gash on my arm was starting to close up and the blood was turning into dry blood.

"She's so hard to control, she keeps saying that your a bad mate and that your going to hurt us again." She sniffed looking into the grass.

My heart ached, she believed it too, I regretted every single thing I've done to hurt her. Who would've known I would learn to care for someone, let alone my mate.

I cupped her face to look at me. "Roselyn I swear on the moon goddess that I will become a better mate for you."

Her eyes, her beautiful now puppy dog teary eyes were staring at me. I wiped the tears from her face as I held her in my arms.

This moment, despite how we got to this moment, was a moment that I never wanted to come to an end.

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