Ch. 51 - Old Friends

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"Welcome to hell." Iris grumbled.

I opened the door stepping onto the pavement and immediately got shudders.

Iris was right. Not about the hell part but that it was definitely weird being back.

I closed the door behind me as Iris hopped out the other end.

Everyone stared at me. It was only the royal guards outside but they all stared at me.

I couldn't tell if they were happy or mad because of their helmets but they bowed to me.

I hated that. All the bowing and curtseying was just not my style.

Iris came to stand next to me as my father barked orders at his men. Many more SUV's drove in and Dark Eclipse poured out of the cars.

The royal men eyed the new pack coming in but other wise didn't start any trouble which was a good sign.

Logan and James both hopped out of their cars, along with Brazil and Magnus.

I avoided eye contact with Logan which was fine because he was busy with his men.

After our fight, I really didn't have the energy to talk to him for a while. It seems like he didn't want to either.

"Roselyn. Iris. You both get on inside." King Charles told us.

I linked my arm with Iris as we both walked up the steps to the castle.

Royal guards stationed every feet bowed as we passed by.

'Lets give Alpha asshat the cold shoulder.' Rae mentioned.

We reached the main doors and the guards opened it for us and we stepped back in our old home.

"Rose! Iris!" Someone screamed.

"Marissa!" I cried out.

I ran to my favorite person in the world and gave her a big hug.

Iris ran to her too and Marissa embraced us both in a motherly hug.

"My darlings! You both are okay!" Marissa said warmly.

I hugged her tightly afraid that if I let go I would think it was a dream. I was so happy to see her again.

We all pulled away from the hug but held Marissa's hands.

By then we all had tears in our eyes. Marissa was like a mother to both Iris and I.

"Marissa you're okay. I...I heard..." I cried.

She wiped the tear off my cheek. "Don't worry about that now. You guys are home safe and that's all that matters."

Iris and I looked at each other hesitantly. I wondered if Marissa knew about Dexter.

"Actually, Marissa about that..."

I heard two other voice scream my name.

"Roselyn!" Madelyn and Adeline tackled me into a hug.

We all laughed on the floor. Madelyn still had her purple hair and Adeline still had her blue hair.

"Where have you been?" Adeline asked.

"You were gone for so long." Madelyn chimed in.

I nodded hesitantly smiling sheepishly. "I...well... I went to have an adventure."

We stood up and the twins gave Iris a hug as well.

"I thought everyone but the royal army was supposed to be in the bunker?" Iris asked confused.

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