Ch. 61 - Destiny

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(8 months now)

I whimpered shielding my stomach with my arms.

Another punch his my face and I'm pretty sure my nose was broken this time. I ducked my head into my body looking at my large belly.

"You stupid whore!" Chase sneered down at me.

I didn't say anything, I never said his name anymore. I never said anything to him. His feet moved to somewhere that was out of my view and I cried but scooted further into a ball.

No matter how much he abused me, I always shielded my belly away from his beatings. He never touched my stomach though. He either hit my face or the rest of my body but never my stomach.

One of my arms was broken, had been for weeks. Chase broke it by twisting it too far back when I refused to look at him. That's another thing I couldn't do.

I couldn't even look at his face, I hadn't looked into his face since the beatings started. Which was a day after I found out I was pregnant. I knew the fate of me, specifically my baby.

Dexter came in after a beating couple months ago not even phased at my bruises and told me. He was going to steal my baby and raise it as his own.

He said my life depended on if I were to make it to delivery. But I knew he was lying. I was terrified. I wasn't scared of dying, I was scared of leaving my baby alone in this world.

Alone with my insane uncle to be raised by. I already loved my baby the second he or she was conceived. I sang every night to my baby and he or she always kicked when I did so.

Chase's footsteps came back right in front of me. I didn't even flinch as he picked me up and merely tossed me on my metal bed.

He grabbed my chin and forcefully kissed me. He threw my head back against the wall and walked out of my cell locking it.

I cried softly rubbing my hand on my belly. I felt a small kick and I smiled.

"I love you baby." I whispered kissing my fingers and touching my stomach. "Mommy won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise."


(9 months now)

I jumped off the side of the jeep just as it exploded rolling onto the grass and took off to the next one.

They shot their silver arrows from their bows but I dodged them with ease feeling the intense power of my full alpha abilities once again.

I jumped on a tree as I soared over the jeep, I pulled the lock off the bomb-throwing it beneath me.


The explosion gave me more air and the ability to latch on higher to the tree. I wasted no time scanning the forest for any more jeeps.

Once I saw it was clear, I jumped down to the earth but right before I landed I shifted into my wolf running as swift as the wind.

I saw a rogue up ahead who spotted me too late, I leaped in the air slashing my paw against his face. He dropped to the ground.

Another growl became known as another rogue charged at me quicker. I ran against him lowering my head and immediately getting a firm hold on his neck in my teeth.

He whimpered and scratched in agony but I ripped a chunk from his neck and he became silent. his body dropped and I spit the part of his neck out next to his head.

'Report back.' King Charles ordered in the mind link.

I took off running again towards our camp set up. I ran past some of my pack members finishing their kill of rogues and was flanked by on the way back.

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