Part one

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Copyright  ChantelleFraser

All Rights Reserved. No Part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.
This book is a work of Fiction, Names, Characters, Places, incidents are either products of the  authors  imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Any infringement of the copyright Laws Will Result in consequences.

>Yes this book is not edited I'll be editing it once I've fully completed the book.<

Looking down at my weeding dress I smiled " you look beautiful " spoke my father I looked at him and smiled " thank you dad "

"It's okay sweetie are you sure you want to marry him though" I looked at him puzzled my mother walked through the doors " darling you look beautiful" she cried. " don't cry mum" I laughed

She brought me into a hug and cried " I don't want you to get married to him you don't know him" I struggled and she let me go" what are you to talking about" I hissed

" ell he's not a good man" spoke my father " he's not what you are or me and you're mother " I looked at him " what am I?" I spoke " you're a werewolf you haven't showed signs you where meant to change at the age of 18 but you didn't " I laughed " you're both very funny " I giggled.

I looked at myself in the mirror my long brown curly up in a lose bun my grey eyes popping out " I am going to marry him mum and dad I've been with him for 3years " he looked at me " he is not right for you" shouted my mother

" I'm not going to deal with this " I walked out of the room shutting the doors behind me. I cleared my thoughts.

He's the right guy he has always been I smiled and walked down to my bridesmaids " hey girls you ready" I spoke they all looked at me with puzzled faces " are you sure you want to marry him he's not one of us" spoke izzy

" what is everyone talking about
this is my wedding day and it will
Happen " I spoke.

This is a bad idea and you know it.

Whispered something inside of me my stomach started to turn.

Come on Ellie pull yourself together this is meant to be our day. I whispered to myself.

I watched as my father walk towards me feeling uncomfortable I played with my fingers. "I hope you're ready to give you're soul and self away" he spoke angrily

I watched as the doors opened as my bridesmaids walk down the aisle hearing the music play.

Don't do it please he's not for us

Argh I'm going crazy I thought to myself. Walking down the aisle everyone watching me I looked up to my husband to be.

A smile spread from ear to ear as he wiped a few tears from he's face. I looked up to my father he had a stubborn face turned on.

He gave me away to Colin my hands intwine together " you look beautiful" I smiled " thank you"

Everything flow past so fast before I knew anything I was saying I do.

" you may kiss the bride " spoke the priest he pulled me in close as our lip contacted a feeling of reject washed over me.

" everyone Mr and Mrs Silver Fern" I giggled I always thought that was a weird last name I held his hand and walk down the aisle.

My eyes landed on my father as he was holding someone back " I'll be back soon Colin" I kissed his cheek " okay Ellie" I rushed to my father

" what are you doing and who is he" I looked at the handsome man standing in front of me dark brown hair green eyes." Well ummm who do I put this. This is mike " I smiled.

" nice to meet you mike" I held my hand out and he shock my hand tingle spreading through my body" hello Ellie a pleasure to meet you. " I blushed


Something whispered inside of me.

"Ellie coming honey " " I'm coming now honey" I looked at the man and my father " it was lovely meeting you mike bye father" I waved over my shoulder and walked to my handsome husband.

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