Chapter 29- A Perfect Day

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The Penthouse
Eros’ Apartment
New York City
April 7



“She’s mine.” My voice rang proud and true as I delivered the news to Eros.

“I’m sorry, what?” he asked distractedly. He was busy typing away on a small device he called a smartphone.

I sighed heavily and glared at him. “Put that toy away, Eros. I have something to say that will really surprise you.”

Eros’ head snapped towards me and his eyes twinkled with excitement. He clicked something on the side of his phone and the light faded away.

“You have my full attention. Something surprising, you say?” Please tell me you got laid after two thousand years. And that you are going to tell me every scrumptious detail of it.” He said and then leaned forward in anticipation.

“I did not get laid but I have something better.” I replied.

Eros snorted with disbelief and then stood up so fast that I almost fell off the couch.

“What is better than getting laid?!” he shouted loud enough for my ears to blister. He added a glare so fierce and looked at me as if I just said the stupidest thing in the entire world. He sighed and then sat down and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Dude, hear this. There is nothing better than getting laid.” He lectured.

I rolled my eyes at his one-track minded reply.

“Shut up and hear me out, will you?” I snapped.

“Fine.” Eros muttered and then took out his phone once more. And once its screen was lit, it quickly captured 90 percent of his attention.

“You’re not listening.” I pointed out.

“I am!” he retorted.

I took a deep breath before I said my news. “Aurea and I... We’re together.”

“Dude, get over her already. The world does not revolve around one single p---“

“Eros!” I shouted.

“What?” he looked at me with confusion and irritation in those blue eyes.

“Clearly you are not listening! I just said that Aurea and I are together now!”

“Oh!” Eros exclaimed as he smacked himself on the forehead.

“Yeah.” I replied with a very smug smile.

“I don’t know what to say. But let me start by saying, congratulations brother.”

“Thanks.” I grinned

“Hmm... Now it all makes sense.” Eros muttered under his breath.

“What?” And this time, I was the one who was confused.

“Did you know that Achilles came to me asking for relationship advice?” Eros snorted.

“What did you say?”

Instantly my mood darkened at the mention of Achilles name. If he dared take her away from me, I won’t be holding myself back. I would show him what it meant to fight a God. I will throw my full powers at him and see how strong his immortality truly is.

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