Chapter 1

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My eyes slowly open, but I can hardly see a thing. What even happened? Where am I? I'm supposed to be dead, the Dread Doctors killed me. I slowly sit up and look around. I see a few other people, no, bodies, laying near me, and we're all surrounding a tree stump. I see a girl laying on the ground just a few feet in front of me, her strawberry blonde hair being filled with dirt and leaves.

"What happened?" I ask to no one in particular, since I don't think there's anyone else around.

"I saved you," an all-too-familiar voice says from behind me. Theo.

I turn around to face him. "You..."


"You son of a bitch!" I run at him as all of my senses sharpen and I switch into one of my two chimera forms, I'm not sure which.

He grabs my wrists and stops me from attacking him. "Echo. I know you're mad-"

"I'm beyond mad, Raeken!"

"Just let me explain and you'll understand why I did what I did."

"I understand all I need to. You're with them."

"Echo I just brought you back from the dead. The least you can do is let me explain."

I shake my head. "No. Now leave."

He shakes his head and walks over to a couple more people, injecting them with things and they slowly open their eyes.

"Who-who are you?" a girl with scales covering half her face asks.

"I'm your alpha. You're all my pack," he says with a slight smile.

"Wait, what?" I ask.

He nods. "You heard me. C'mon, the group of us have work to do."

I look at the other teenagers just brought back from the dead, and they all seem to believe him.

"He's the bad guy," I say.

He shakes his head. "No Echo, you don't really believe that."

"You don't know what I do and don't believe."

"Yes, I do."

"Well how could you really tell then?"

"Because. You want to hate me, but you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"No. You don't hate me. because if you did, you would've left by now."

I just stand there, staring at him. I don't wanna keep looking but I can't bring myself to walk away.

He walks back over to me and takes my face in my hands. "Echo I'm sorry. I'll explain later, I promise."

I take a deep breath. Can I trust this guy? After he just let them kill me? Maybe I should let him explain...

I nod slightly. "All right. But this is your last chance."

He sighs in relief. "Thank you." He looks at the other people he revived. "Come, we've got work to do."

The Second Coming (Sequel to Taken)Where stories live. Discover now