Chapter 10

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After we finish the brief meeting with Scott, Liam and I go to a Burger King a couple streets away.

"So," he sighs after we sit down with our burgers and fries. "How'd you get involved with Theo?"

"I was at my locker one day, and my friend told me there was a senior looking at me. So I turned around to look, and there he was. I went up to him at the end of that day, got his number, we went on a date, he asked me to be his girlfriend. That's basically it."

"You do understand that there's a chance he only did it to watch over you for the Dread Doctors, right?"

That never really occurred to me. I shake my head and look down at the table. "I do now."

"I said there's a chance, never said I was right. You are really pretty so maybe he did actually like you."

I look down at the table. "Probably the first thing."

"Well then he's an idiot."

We sit there in silence for a moment, until I speak up. "What was happening at the school the other day? When I was seeing the Beast and all that stuff?"

He sighs. "Do you know what Eichen House is?"

I nod. "A mental institution here in Beacon Hills."

He nods. "They've got a supernatural ward, for supernatural creatures that are out of control. Our friend Lydia, she's in there right now. We need to get her out. She could save us, and she could also confirm whether our suspicions about you are right or not."

I look at him curiously. "Your suspicions?"

He nods. "We think you might be some sort of a Banshee."

I shrug. "I didn't know Banshees existed until two seconds ago so I doubt I am one."

"But you could be."

"Is that why you wanted to hang out with me? Ask how I got involved with Theo, then tell me I might be a Banshee?"

He shakes his head. "No. Unlike Theo, I actually like you."

I look down as I feel my cheeks turn red. "So, how are you involved with the supernatural?"

"Scott bit me because he thought I was gonna fall off a building."

I chuckle. "Okay then."

We sit and talk for a while, until it starts to get really late. When I get to my house and go up to my room, there's someone in there waiting for me.

Theo. "Hey babe, where you been?"

"Don't call me babe. How'd you get in here?"

"Window. Where were you?"

"That's none of your concern."

"I can smell him, Echo."

I sigh. "I found someone who actually likes me."


"I found someone who actually likes me. You were just watching me for the Dread Doctors. I know. You don't like me. And you don't need to pretend to."

"Echo. I love you. Do you not understand that? I'm in love with you."

"You almost got me killed."

He takes a step towards me, causing me to take a step back.

"It's over, Theo."

"Give me another chance," he says while taking another step towards me, and I take another step back, backing into the wall.

"I'm sorry."

"You can help us. You can be second in command of my pack. You can help us find Deucalion."

"I don't want to find Deucalion. I wanna live."

"They won't protect you the way I will. They won't kill to keep you safe."

"I don't want anyone to kill for me."

"Do you know what Damnatio Memoraie means?"


"Damnatio Memoraie. It's Latin, the Doctors are using it to make the Beast remember who it was."

"That makes me sick."

He takes another step towards me. "I'm not gonna let it hurt you, and I'm not gonna let you go."

I sigh. "Theo. I don't want this."

He takes a final step towards me, so our faces are only centimeters apart. "Just give me another chance."

"I've already promised someone else a chance."

He closes the centimeters of distance between us and presses his lips to mine. I'm pressed against the wall so I can't get away, and he probably knows the bite your lip trick. So, I just kinda stare at him.

He pulls away a second later. "Please Echo, just give me one more chance."

I shake my head. "I'm sorry. Please go."

"I'm not gonna give up."

I sigh. "Then I hope you enjoy rejection." I walk over to the open window. "Please go out the way you came in."

He reluctantly walks over to the window. "I love you." He slips through the window frame and runs down my roof, off into the night.

And I can't help but stare at him as he turns into a little dot in the night, my heart aching, part of me wishing he'd come back.

The Second Coming (Sequel to Taken)Where stories live. Discover now