Chapter 15

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The next day, I wake up lying on a couch. I sit up and run a hand through my hair, trying to figure out where I am.

"Morning," Tracy says from across the room.

"Where am I?"

She walks over to me. "You're at my house."


"Do you have one to go back to?"

I sigh. "Good point."

"I was actually just about to wake you, we've gotta get to school."

I nod and stand up.

She hands me a small bundle of something. Clothes. "I took a look at your clothing sizes, not to sound creepy or anything. I managed to throw a couple things together for you."

I smile slightly and look at the clothes. "Thanks."

"Bathroom's over there," she says while pointing to a door.

I walk over to it and go in, quickly change, then come out. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"We're in the same pack. Plus, you mean a lot to Theo."

I smile slightly again.

Transformation... Without frequency. A nearly metallic voice rings through my mind, and I suddenly get a heavy feeling in my chest.

"You okay?"

It feels like... death. "Someone is gonna die. Soon."

"Who? How do you know?"

"Because," Theo sighs as he enters the room, "she's a banshee." He looks at me. "That's why I had you leave Eichen. The guy who had the girl we were looking for, he was experimenting on her. Because she's a banshee. I couldn't take the chance of that happening to you."

I nod. "I totally get it." I take a deep breath. "Since you saved my life, I think it's time I saved yours."

"How so?" he asks with an interested look on his face.

I walk over to him, grab his hand, and start moving his fingers around. "Put your claws out."


"Just do it."

He sighs as claws shoot out of his fingertips.

I put my thumb over one of the claws and look up at him. "These are the only claws you're meant to use, Theo. Not talons."

"Is that what this is about? Ec, those talons are gonna mean so much."

"All they're gonna do is get you killed. The Dread Doctors are gonna kill you if you put them on."

"They won't."

"Those talons have a different frequency than you do. Crossing them will just cause you to be a failure, and they'll kill you."

"I haven't failed in eight years, Ec. Some talons aren't gonna change that."

"Theo please."

He looks down at the ground and retracts his claws. "We've gotta get to school."


"Come on."

"We got suspended, remember?"

He sighs. "Actually I managed to... convince them to not suspend me."

"Thanks for only caring about yourself."

"I only did it for me because someone has to watch Deucalion."

I sigh. "Fine."

"I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure you do."


"Just get in your car and go to school."

"Not with you mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you!" I nearly yell.

He grabs my hands, makes me look up at him, and kisses me. "I won't put on the talons," he says once he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. "I trust you. If you say they'll kill me, I believe you."

"Thank you," I say quietly. "Now," I say at a normal volume. "Go, you've got school and I've gotta watch Deucalion."

He smiles slightly. "I'll see you later. I love you."

I just smile at him, because I still can't say it back.

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