Chapter 2

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After Theo assigns the other four chimeras to go do separate things, it's just me left. 

He walks over to his car, and I follow behind him. "So, what's my assignment?"

"You've got two. First one: get in the car and listen to my explanation."

I nod and get into the passenger's seat of the car. I've spent a lot of time in this car. This is where I learned that I was a chimera. This is where Theo kissed me for the first time. This is where he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"All right," he sighs while getting in the car and turning it on. "So, I do have an explanation. A good one."

"I'm all ears."

He sighs. "Yes, I am with them. I will admit that. I'm one of their chimeras."

"That's not the explanation I want."

"I'm getting to that. Working with them allowed me to gain knowledge of what they're capable of. They created a substance that can revive their dead chimeras. I knew that letting you die was a risk, but it was a risk I had to take. I needed them to continue to trust me, so I could keep getting information from them. And I knew they had that substance, so I could revive you. You were the first one I went for, and the only one I really wanted it to work on."

I sigh. "Is this the truth?"

He nods. "It is."

He planned to save me. He didn't let me die, he waited so he could revive me. He's really not the bad guy.

"All right," I say rather reluctantly. "I believe you."

"Good." he leans towards me and plants a kiss on my lips, pulling away a couple seconds later. "I've missed doing that."

My cheeks turn red as my heartbeat picks up a little. It feels almost doubled... "Why does it feel like I've got two hearts?"


"No lies, tell the truth."

He sighs. "Because you do. When they put the werecoyote into you they had to give you a second heart."

My eyes widen. I've got two hearts?! "Who-who's heart is it?"

He shrugs. "Don't know. They usually go relative, because relatives have similar hearts."

I let out a quiet gasp. "Mom and dad," I whisper. "Take me home," I say at a normal volume.


"I wanna make sure my parents are all right. Take me home."

"They think you were missing for five days! They'll never let you back out!"

"I need to make sure the Dread Doctors didn't use one of them."

"It's not always a relative. Sometimes just a random person."

I sigh, shaking my head. "I need to know for sure. Take me home."

The Second Coming (Sequel to Taken)Where stories live. Discover now