Chapter 23

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"Give me the pike," I say as we walk through the tunnel looking for Sebastian.

"What?" Argent asks. "I can't hear you through the tissue taped to your face."

"Can I kill him?"

"I wish," Liam says quietly.

I point to the pike that Gerard is using as a cane, then make hand motions that say give it to me.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Argent says.

"I can do it. I'm dying anyways."

"You're not dying," Liam says.

"I predicted my death. Remember that talk we never had?"

His eyes widen. "No I-I can't live without you."

"Liam, we've been together for a few days."

"And they've been the best few days of my life."

I sigh. "Hayden Romeo."

"What about her?"

"You dated her, right?"

He nods.

"She still loves you."


I cut him off. "We can't avoid this."

He sighs.

"You brought me back just to lose you again?" Beatrix asks.

"I wanted to have you again while I was still alive."

Gerard hands me the pike.

"We're not killing anyone," Scott says. "We're gonna save Mason."

A large, shadowy figure enters the hall and runs at us.

And I run right at it.

The Second Coming (Sequel to Taken)Where stories live. Discover now