Chapter 6

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The following day, I decide to try and be normal again. That involves returning to school.

My mom pulls up to the school and stops by the front door. "You sure you wanna do this?"

I take a deep breath and nod. "I need the distraction." I put my backpack onto one shoulder and get out of the car, closing the door behind me.

"Hey!" A male voice says from behind me.

I turn and see one of the boys from the woods. Um... crap which one is he? "Hey. Mason, right?"

"No, Liam."

I sigh "Right, sorry."

"I wanted to apologize about, you know, getting off on the wrong foot."

I shrug. "Don't apologize, you were right."

"Since when is a guy right and a woman wrong?"

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Since I found out that Theo wants to introduce me to the Beast of Gévaudan. And then it almost killed me."

"Wait-the Beast of Gévaudan?"

I nod. "You know what it is?"

"No, but it sounds important. C'mon, we've gotta go tell Scott."

"But class is-"

"Echo, this is about life and death. Would you rather miss a couple minutes of first period, or die?"

I sigh. "I don't want to die again."

He nods. "Good. Then let's go." He grabs my arm and drags me into the school. 

"Does Scott know what the Beast of Gévaudan is?"

He shrugs. "Don't know. But whatever it is, it's probably something we need to worry about."

I nod. "It is. I can tell you the legend, if you want."

"Tell me when we find Scott."

We search the school for a couple minutes, until we find Scott heading into a classroom.

"Scott!" Liam yells.

Scott turns to looks at us. He reluctantly walks over to us. "What?"

"It's the Beast of Gévaudan."


"The Dread Doctors success," I say.

"Their success?"

I nod. "It's the beast of Gévaudan."

He pulls out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Liam asks.

"I'm googling it."

"I can tell you the legend," I say quietly. "Better than google can. I got it from someone who knows the truth, better than random strangers on Wikipedia."

The bell for class rings, and he grabs my shoulder. "C'mon." He brings Liam and I into an empty classroom. "All right, tell."

"The Beast of Gévaudan. Some say it was once a man, he'd lure victims into his house then kill them and boil their flesh for eating. Eventually, it got turned into a werewolf. And it ran around, terrorizing people, eating it's victims. It hurt a lot of people, ate some of them, and killed even more. That's what the Dread Doctors brought back. That's what they brought to Beacon Hills." I look out a small window in the door of the classroom, into the hallway. I see a cop, and some police tape. 

Suddenly, I can hear something. You already got your pack.

But it's not enough.

I hear loud footsteps, and I swear to god I see that Bast standing with a dismembered head in it's hands.

"Echo!" Liam says, scaring me out of my thoughts.

"I-I just... I just saw... and I heard..."

"What?" Scott asks. 

And suddenly, I can feel something strange in the air around me. It feels like... death.


"Something's happening," I say fearfully.

"What's happening?"

"Someone died here."

"A lot of people have died in this school."

"That's really scary. But I mean recently."

"How recently?"

I look at him, my eyes wide. "Last night. Someone died here last night."

**A/N I probably got the legend from the show wrong, I'll fix it in a later chapter. I don't have a lot of time right now, I'm leaving to go check out a fancy school soon. I'll write more tomorrow, I promise

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