Chapter 17

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Later that night, I'm wandering the streets when a motor bike pulls up next to me.

"Hey," Scott says as he pulls off his helmet.

I look up at him, my face stained with tears."

"What's wrong?"

I sigh and wipe my eyes. "I'm just stupid. What do you want?"

"I wanna know if you're still interested in a pack. I heard about what happened with Theo."

"Then why do you want me again?"

"Everyone messes up sometimes. We all make mistakes. And that's why we all deserve a second chance."

"You wasn't me for information on Theo. Plus, I was a total bitch to you yesterday, why would you want me back?"

"You were upset. And I don't want you for information. You're strong, and smart, and you could be a very valuable asset to the pack. What do you say?"

I smile slightly. "I'm in."

He smiles and holds out the helmet he was wearing to me. "Hop on."

I slowly take the helmet, put it on, and get on the bike.


"Where were you?" Liam calls out once we get back.

"Me or him?" I ask.

He walks over to me. "You."

I sigh. "I was somewhere I don't belong."

"Have you heard anything else?" Scott asks me.

"Wait," a girl with red hair says. Oh my god, that's the girl that was on the ground at the tree stump. That must be who they were rescuing from Eichen House. And that means Theo put her in there. "She's a banshee too?"

I nod. "I heard something the other day."

"What was it?" They all look at me with curious looks.

"Transformation... Without frequency. It was love of the Dread Doctors speaking. And I felt a death."

Stiles's eyes widen. "The Beast."

"The teenager," Liam says, "they're gonna die."

"And the man will live," Scott says. "The charity game is our last hope at finding whoever it is."

"What charity game?" I ask.

"Lacrosse," Kira says. "There's gonna be a lot of stuff emitting frequency there. The Beast will definitely not hesitate to make an appearance there."

"Are any of you playing?"

"Scott, Stiles, Liam and Kira," Malia says.

I nod. "Okay. The rest of us have to get rid of that frequency."

"We need the Beast to appear so we can possibly find out who it is."

"If that Beast appears a lot of people are going to die. I feel it."

"So do I," Lydia says.

Malia sighs. "I'll disconnect the frequencies."

"We've gotta forfeit the game," Liam says.

"Not likely to happen," Stiles says.

"Actually," Scott says, "the Coach can."

"Well where is he?"

"He's been in rehab for eight months."

"Very helpful, Scott."

"Just get him out," Malia says.

"Yeah, because getting a guy out of rehab is the easiest thing in the world."

"Well you've gotta try," I say. "Because if you don't that Beast shows up. And if that Beast shows up, then so many innocent lives are going to be lost. And we can't have that, can we?"

Scott sighs. "Stiles and I will go in a little bit, see what we can do."

I smile slightly.

"This pack meeting is over."

Liam walks over to me. "Where were you today? And yesterday? I called you like, fifteen times."

I sigh. "I was somewhere I didn't belong. But I'm here now, and hopefully I won't make the same mistakes."

"You were with Theo, weren't you?"

I sigh. "Yes. But I finished things off between me and him. He wanted me to do something that would probably kill me, I couldn't let him."

"Do you love him?"

I shake my head. "Before he tried to make me do the thing that could kill me, I wanted to. But something in me couldn't."

"Do you know why?"

I sigh. "I think my heart is waiting for something else. Something real. That wasn't real, whatever Theo and I had."

He stares at me for a second before speaking up. "Could I try something?"


"Don't move." He slowly leans towards me and presses his lips against mine.

Something happens inside of me, suddenly. I feel... as if I don't have to be afraid. I feel warmer, inside and out. I feel safe. Is this what love feels like? No, it can't be. I've literally known him for a couple days. But.. could that be enough?

He pulls away and looks at me. "I've noticed you at school for so long, but part of me didn't feel like I should've gone up and spoken to you. But I've always noticed. I've always noticed how you'd wave your hand in the air in class when you really wanna give an answer, I've noticed how your eyes get a little darker when you're upset. I've noticed every detail about you, and I'm in love with each and every one of them."

"I love you too." The words flow out before I can stop them, before I realize what I'm saying. But I don't want to take it back. Saying it feels right.

He smiles slightly. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I smile at him. "I'd love to."

**A/N a cute little Echo/Liam moment to brighten your day. I've got a question for y'all about the book. Who ships Echo with Theo, and who ships her with Liam?

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