Chapter 16

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Around 3 o'clock, Theo walks into the room I've been sitting in with Deucalion since this morning.

"Speak of the devil," Deucalion sighs.

"What?" Theo asks.

"We were just talking about you. Your little special friend here told me that she convinced you not to put the talons on."

He shrugs. "I trust her, if she says they're dangerous then I believe her."

"And you do know, she got that information from me. And if she told you, that means she trusts me. Do you?"

"Why else would I have you here?"

"Because you want to know about the Beast."

He sighs and turns to me. "Come, I wanna show you something."

I follow him across the room, where there's a scary looking mask that looks like it belongs to one of the Dread Doctors sitting on a table. "What is that?"

"It's a mask. It can help us find out who the Beast is."


"Only a banshee or someone with an immunity to electromagnetic currency can put it on."

"Where's the kid with that power?"

He sighs. "Echo, I trust you. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

"Then put on the mask."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the one I trust the most. You'll tell me the truth."

I look at the mask. "Is it gonna hurt?"

"Of course it will," Deucalion says. "That mask belonged to the Dread Doctors."

I look at Theo. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Of course not," Theo sighs. "It'll be quick. I trusted you with the talons, now it's your turn to trust me."

I stare at the mask. "Where'd you get it?"

"The guy that was experimenting on Lydia had it."

"You should know," Deucalion says, "there is a great chance that it will kill you. If not while you have it on, then soon after you take it off."

I look at Theo. "You're using me. You don't want me, you any my ability to use this mask."

"You know that isn't true," Theo says.

"Really? Because you never let me help. You just make me watch Deucalion, now you want me to put on this mask that will probably kill me."

"I don't want you getting hurt!"

"And that's why you're making me put on the mask that could kill me?"

He sighs. "Fine, don't put on the mask."

I slam the mask down on the table. "You're using me."

"Echo I love you."

"Sure you do."

"Why would I lie about that?"

"Because you don't want me to leave. You want my help. But I can see written plainly across your face, there isn't a place for me in your pack."

"Echo I-"

"Save it for someone who wants to listen."

"If you leave I'll put on the talons."

"No, you won't. Now that you know what they'll do, you'll find another way."

"Echo please-"


He stares at me for a moment, then speaks up. "Marry me."

My eyes widen. "What the hell? Theo I've known you for literally not even a month. And I don't love you. You're just trying to trick me, I know that."

"I offered them one of my hearts. To give you. Instead of killing your friend."

"You said you didn't know. Goodbye, Theo." I turn and walk across the room to the door. "You were right, Deucalion. Thank you."

"What'd he say?"

I turn back to face him. "He told me that all you want is power. That you'd lose anyone and everyone to have it. That you'd even sacrifice me. Now I can get out before that happens." I turn back to the door and leave, slamming it shut behind myself.

The Second Coming (Sequel to Taken)Where stories live. Discover now