Chapter 9

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A couple days later, Scott comes back with his girlfriend.

Somehow, Mason found a way to get information on Theo's pack, and he told Liam, so the three of us are waiting for Scott to wake up so we can tell him.

"So," Liam says to me. "You still with Theo?"

I shake my head. "I want nothing to do with him."

"So, you're broken up?"

I sigh. "Not officially, but I'm going to do it next time I see him."

He nods slightly. "So are you technically single?"

I shrug. "Guess so." Wait, is he gonna ask me out?

"Well, wanna go get something to eat after this then?" Yep, he's asking me out.

"Um... okay."

"If you don't wanna-"

"I wanna I just wasn't really expecting it."

"Um, what about Hayden?" Mason says to Liam.

"I talked to her yesterday," he sighs. "I'll tell you later."

"Who's Hayden?" I look at him confused. Does he already have a girlfriend or something? Maybe he just meant hanging out as friends. I don't know.

"Long story. She was my girlfriend, but I broke up with her."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

He shrugs. "We were looking for different things. She wanted someone who would follow Theo with her, and I found someone else."

Oh god, I think he means me. Wait... did he say Theo's pack? "Theo?"

He nods. "Hayden Romero. You ever meet her?"

I shake my head. "I didn't know any of them by name. Except Theo."

He nods. "Well, you're still gonna need to get us info from him."

I nod. "I know."

Scott's eyes slowly open, and he sits up. "What?"

"We know what Theo's planning," Mason says. "I got it from Corey."

"And I got it from Theo," I add.

"Well, what's he planning?" Scott looks between the two of us.

"He's looking for an alpha," Mason sighs.

"But not just any alpha," I add. "A blind alpha."

His eyes widen. "Deucalion."

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