*Prologue: Taken*

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My lungs burned and I couldn't feel my legs but I kept running. The sky had a pink and grey color as the sun started to set in Seattle. The leaves were already starting to change color and the cool September air hit my body as I jogged around the park near my house.

After another fight with my mom I had to get out of the house and take my mind off everything. My phone vibrated in my pocket as I came to a stop under a tree.

"Where are you? It's getting dark and it's not safe. Let's talk about this." – Mom.

Ever since my father died 5 years ago. My mother hasn't been the same. She has been an overprotective and paranoid mess. She works two jobs almost every day. I barely even see her and when I do, we end up fighting over what I do and don't do.

"Calm down. I'll be fine, Ill text you once I'm home." I shot back and sat down under the tree. I slip my earphones on and put on some music as I stared up at the sky, getting lost in my own thoughts.

I must have fallen asleep because the next time I opened my eyes the sky was filled with stars and the park only had the usual town drunks around. Looking at the time on my phone I see it was almost 10pm.

I stood up and started walking home before my mom had a heart attack and called the FBI to find me. Surely enough my phone had about 50 missed calls from my mom and about 20 texts. Most of them my mom freaking out about where I was.

My phone rang just as I was about to respond to the text.

"Hey, Sky! Want to come over and watch a movie? I'll buy pizza." My best friend Jeremy sounded over the phone.

"As amazing as that sounds, I can't. Mom is having another episode and I need to get home."

"C'mon! I live right next door. I'm sure your mom won't mind" he whined and I laughed.

"I'll come over tomorrow. Right now, I just need some sleep."

"You can be a real party pooper, Sky." He laughed "Let me know when you get home."

"I will" with that I hung up and kept walking back home.

Halfway home I felt a chill down my neck and a bad feeling as if someone was watching me. Turning around I saw no one around. I picked up my pace and gripped my house keys around my knuckles. I heard steps behind me but before I could react, I was grabbed by a pair of arms. I tried to break away and scream but before I could I was met with a blast of chemicals from a cloth pressed against my face. I felt heavy, my struggling slowly subsided as my vision blurred, my body weakened and darkness surround me.


My head felt heavy before I even opened my eyes. It was pounding so hard I swore I could hear it out loud. The lights in the room blinded me as I tried to open my eyes. I looked around when my eyes adjusted. I saw a small room that looked similar to an interrogation room. What I assumed was a one-way glass window at the end of it next to the door. I tried to move towards it before realizing I was tied up to a chair and my mouth was taped and gagged muffling my instant screams of both panic and fear.

The door opened and two strange men approached me. My eyes filled with tears as they looked me over. All that went through my mind was how these men were going to take turns raping me or do it at the same time. My heart was beating so fast I hoped it gave out before they could do anything to me.

"You're finally awake, Skylar" The man on my right said.

How did he know my name? Have they been stalking me?

I looked them over. Thinking I could describe them if I got out of here alive. But at that point I highly doubted I would.

"I bet you're asking yourself why you're here. Why did we take you?" the other man on the left said. He got close; his face so close to mine I could smell the cigar on his breath.

Born To Kill - Book I {Rewritten}Where stories live. Discover now