*Chapter 24: The Storm*

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Happy reading! Love, GrissyQuinn ❤️

Skylar's POV

"Armani... he took them" Cassian slurred before he passed out.

"WHAT?" Alexander exploded as soon as he passed out. "Cassian" he shook him a bit. "I need answers!"

"Alexander give him some room!" Alexa kneeled down next him. "I have some medical training." I'm going to wake him up but I need some time."

"Armani fucking took my mother and sister. We have no time!"

"I get that Alexander, but if you don't give me some space and time, we will never find out what exactly happened." Alexa countered.

"Call me as soon as he's awake and talking" with that Alexander bolted out of the room with his fist clenched. I looked over at Alexa who was ordering Jeremy and Angelo to help her get Cassian up on a bed. She scrambled around Catalinas things and I decided that was my chance out of the room.

Alexander was pacing around the room cursing in Italian. It was clear he was angry but I knew better. I knew he was blaming himself.


"Don't even try it, Sky. He has my mother and sister and god knows what he plans to do with them, just to get to me."

Just as I was about to answer him, his phone rings. Looking at the caller ID he places it on speaker and with anger. "Armani you son of a bitch, I will kill you and place your head above my fireplace for me to admire every day of my life"

"Is that any way to greet the man that could have your mother and sister killed with a snap of his fingers?" Armani's voice echoed around the room.

"Where are they?" Alexander gritted out.

"I know you don't really believe, I would just tell you that. I didn't call to give you the courtesy of begging me for them back, as satisfying as that would be. Probably as satisfying as it was to beat the life out of your little pet. But that is beside the point, I called to let you know to stay out of my business. You messed with my ring, Valentino. You costed me money. So, I took your beautiful mother and sister as payment for that."


"Do you know how much money they will get me?"

"I will find you and them and I will kill you"

"I honestly don't think you will, Valentino. You are after all one man short. Im sure that traitor died. Enjoy your time at the top, Valentino. Ill be taking that back very soon." With that he hung up and Alexander threw his phone against the wall.

"Im going to kill him!" he yelled.

"We all will. Ill be right by your side when we get him." I walked a bit closer to him. His anger not letting up one bit. "Did you hear what he said? He thinks Eric is dead. We could use that to our advantage at some point."

"That doesn't get my mother and sister back safely, Sky." He continued to pace. A little more and there would be a hole on the floor.

"Hes awake" Alexa said just as I was about to say something.

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