*Chapter 6: First Job*

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This chapter is a bit slow but next chapter is where Nyx finally comes out to play!! <3 Thank you all for supporting my writing! Even if only 2 people read this im still very grateful!

Above is the always beautiful Emeraude Toubia Aka Skylar!

Enjoy the chapter!! :)

Love, Grissy! <3


"C'mon slowpoke! You're not getting rusty, are you?" I yelled over my shoulder to Jeremy as we took our morning run.

For the past three years, ever since I joined my father's evil empire against my will, Jeremy and I have taken it upon ourselves to wake up at dawn and go for a morning run before staring each day. It helped us, unwind and prepare for the challenges of the day. Today it was a little after 6am and the sun was beginning to rise beautifully. I had to admit that sunsets in Alexanders Villa looked breathtaking, especially over the beautiful garden.

"Me? Rusty? Never!" Jeremy yelled from behind me as he picked up his speed.

I laughed and sprinted to keep him from catching up with me. We did ten laps around the Villa before we started slowing down.

"Okay, okay I'm done, I need to rest." Jeremy wheezed as he bent down catching his breathe. His hands cupping his knees, breath heavy as he wiped sweet off his face.

"Ten laps and you're done? We used to do twenty back at D. Impero. You're getting soft, Jer." I teased taking a sip of my water.

"Hey! Nothing about me is getting soft!" he defended "Quite the contrary. I didn't get enough sleep last night because Alexa thought it would be fun to use the Jacuzzi and then I just go so Hor – "

"okay! TMI, Jer." I lifted my hands to make him stop. "I love you guys, but I don't need to know what goes on in your bedroom at night."

He laughed "I know, but I love to make you feel awkward about it. You make this funny face that looks like you're going to barf or something."

"Fuck you, Jeremy"

"I love you too, Sky" he grinned and crouched down on the ground to rest. "So, what's this big party tonight?"

"It's a tradition they have. Every time the family gets a new member, they have a dinner party in their honor. They had one for me too when I first got here last week."

"You got drunk, didn't you?"

"It really scares me how well you know me. So much so, I have someone on standby ready to kill you the minute I die."

"Why the hell?" Jeremy arched an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Because you know too much. If I died, you go down with me." We both started laughing.

"but that means I'm right and you did get drunk."

"I still remember the hungover" I groaned as my stomach decided to make whale noises. It was almost 7:30am and I was starving.

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