*Chapter 12: Shattered Walls*

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Another update! Woop Woop!!!!  <3 

I hope you enjoy this chapter like all the others guys!!!

Its a very emotional chapter for Skylar and it broke my heart to write it </3

Above is the song Arms by Christina Perri and its just perfect for this chapter! :) 

Happy Reading! 

Love, GrissyQuinn! <3


"What happened to you?" Alexander asked as I got out of the car. He looked at my bruised cheek and bloody lip

"I'm fine" was all I said as I opened the trunk to reveal a still out cold and bound Kyle Lestrade. "He was just a bit hard to contain."

It looked like Alexander wanted to know more about what happened but after looking into my intense eyes, he nodded and let it go for the moment. "Take him down to the basement" he said to Jeremy and Angelo as we headed inside.

"Are you going to be okay?" Alexa whispered next to me and I sent her a nod back.

I started walking back inside, trying to ignore the pain in my ribs and face, but as soon as I started walking up the stairs I couldn't help but wince at the pain.

"Do you need help?" I turned to see Alexander, arms crossed and a worried expression on his face.

"I'm fine." I said to him again before continuing to walk up the stairs ignoring my pain. God knows I've been through worse and I was done looking weak in front of men for one night.

"Nyx, just let me help you" he insisted again

"I said I'm fine, Alexander!" with that I continued to go up the stairs ignoring my pain until I'm finally up in my room.

Once I was there, I quickly stripped out my bloodied clothes and stepped into the shower. I thought I would cry, that I would break down again but all I did was stare at the tiled wall of the shower as I let the hot water soak me from head to toe. I felt numb, I didn't feel hatred, fear or disgust. I just felt numb and it was strangely comforting.

I was there for so long my skin started to prune, my skin was a bit red from the constant hot water pouring down on it and the bathroom was all fogged up. Shutting off the water, I wrapped a robe around my body and walked over to the fogged-up mirror.

Wiping it clean, I stared at the reflection in front of me. My skin pale and pink from the hot water. My brown eyes dull and with bags under them. My cheeks bruised along with my lip. Untying my robe and looking down at my ribs, I see they had already started to bruise. As my eyes traveled down my neck, I saw a hickey where Kyle had sucked on earlier.

Anger rises through me as I tied up my robe again. Anger for everything at once, so much anger I couldn't stop myself from punching the mirror in front of me. The glass cracked as my knuckles started to bleed. But I didn't stop, I embraced the pain as I kept punching it again and again.

I punched it because of my father, because of that monster Johnson, for the seven years I spent at D. Impero. I punched it because today I showed weakness, because I froze, because my walls crumbled down against my will, all because a man touched me, and my demons rose to hold me down. I yelled out every time I punched the mirror, there was barely any mirror left to punch but I didn't stop.

I suddenly saw myself back at Johnsons special room at D. Impero. Hands tied up above me as my feet barely touched the ground. The room dark and reeking of blood and sweat. My blood and sweat. My body bare as Johnson approached with an ugly and evil smile. I sobbed uncontrollably as I kept punching at the mirror, the wall where the mirror used to be, I didn't know anymore. I felt blood run down my hand, but the pain didn't stop me.

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