*Chapter 22: Justice*

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Love, GrissyQuinn <3


Angelo's POV

A couple of days had passed since the whole benefit disaster. Eric had still not woken up and I had not left his side once. Except when Alexander or Skylar made me go eat something, shower and get some sleep. Those two together were scary enough to make anyone do anything.

I stood by the window in the infirmary just listening to the beeping of the machines, the only things letting me know Eric was alive.

"Angelo?" Alexa quietly called from the door. Everyone kind of knew to leave me alone. It was no secret anymore what I felt for Eric. Even Alexander knew, and he just told me to quit being a pussy and fight for him.

Turning to Alexa she looked at me with soft eyes. "I have news regarding what happened at the benefit. We're having a meeting at Alexanders office. I just though you should be there."

Without a word I just followed her until we reached the office. Jeremy, Alexander and Skylar were already there. Sitting down on the couch, I waited for someone to start talking. I needed answers about what happened that night. How did Armani know what we were planning and how did he know that Eric was a spy for us?

"Finding out how Armani knew everything was not easy." Alexa started "I started out by scanning the entire security system of this villa, I had to make sure no one hacked into it, to listen on our private meetings, but that itself took me about an hour which is nothing if you ask me. Whoever designed that system should be fired immediately, I mean the firewall itself was so weak and, don't even get me started on the- "

"Collins!" Alexander interrupted her "get to the point"

Alexa gave a sheepish smile "Sorry, I get a bit excited. Anyway, I took the liberty to making some changes in it, not even god himself will be able to hack us." Alexa looked proud at herself for a moment before she continued. "Now, after I made sure no one hacked us, I spent the next couple of days hacking into Armani's security system. It was not an easy task and I'm just going to point out, I've gotten no sleep-in days, so I could pass out at any moment."

"Collins..." Alexander said impatiently. He was just as pissed off about all of this as I was. We didn't have time to waste.

"Alright, geez." Alexa rolled her eyes and continued "After many long days and nights, I finally hacked into their system and spent hours searching every inch of their security footage with my custom-made recognition software. It took every person that works for you and compared them with any footage Armani had. After what felt like forever, we got a match."

That caught our attention. Alexa took out her laptop and searched something in it before setting it down on Alexanders desk for all of us to see. "Alexander Valentino, I give you, your rat"

There clear as day, was a frozen image of non-other than Armani in his office talking to, Pietro. The bastard that runs Impero D' Amore.

For a moment there was total silence in the room, as we all stared at the picture in front of us.

"I'll kill him!" I yelled as I stood up. All I felt was pure anger as I slammed my fist on the wall. "He will pay for what he did to, Eric." I started for the door and down the stairs not even caring about the pain I felt in my hand. It didn't even compare to the pain, I would make Pietro feel.

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