*Chapter 26: Haunting Pasts*

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Above is the song Diamond Heart by Alan Walker, It honestly got me through writing this chapter and it fits!

Happy Reading and thanks for all the support!! <3

Love, GrissyQuinn <3


Skylars POV

"She doesn't want to talk, Skylar. It's been a week and Catalina hasn't said a word to anyone except you and my mother." Alexander ranted.

It was about 8:00am and he was pacing around his room in his boxers. Alexander had spent most of the night tossing, turning and grumbling, not really letting me sleep.

"Alexander, you have to give her time. What she went through, I can tell you from sad personal experience it's not something you get over quickly. It's also not something you really talk about freely." I answer still sitting on bed, sipping a cup of coffee one of the maids brought up for us.

"But I am her older brother! isn't she supposed to talk be able to talk to me or at least Cassian, they are twins."

I sighed. "What is she supposed to say to you? This bastard raped me?" at that I saw Alexander clench his fists. When he found out what happened he went on a furious rampage. Nearly marched into Armani's estate to his death. Thankfully he was thinking a little clearer now. Though we all made a vow to kill the bastard the first chance we got.

"You need to give Catalina the time she needs. She will open up eventually. The only reason she even opened up to me is because I'm the only person in this house that fully understands what she is going through. Armani took more from her than you think. He didn't only take her body, he took her peace of mind. It's going to take some time for her to get that back."

Alexander sighed in defeat. "I'm a fucking Failure." He said as punched the wall next to the window he was staring out of.

"Why would you say that?" I asked getting up and walking towards him.

"I was supposed to protect them! Eric almost died, and Angelo was fucking losing it because of it. Cassian got beat up badly too, Mom and Catalina went through a horrible thing and, where was I?! Too busy focusing on you!" he bit out angrily. I was so sudden he made me take a step back.

"Alexander I.."

"NO!" he interrupted me. "If I hadn't been so focused on you, I would have seen this coming and would have protected them like I promised my father I would!"

"Don't blame me for something that was out of your control Alexander! There was no way you could have foreseen what would have happened even if I was here or not! Eric was your spy at Armani's way before I even got here, Angelo was in love with him way before I got here, and Armani would have done the same fucking things whether I was here or not! I also did not ask to be here, you hired me and then decided I was maybe worth getting to fucking know!"

"Just get out, Skylar. Leave me alone" he said as he marched towards his bathroom.

Turning around in a rush I left the room slamming the door behind me. There in the hall was Lianna with a soft smile. Something told me she heard some of what went on, but I wasn't about to talk about it now. I rushed into my room as the tears quickly fell down my cheeks. I don't know what came over Alexander, but he was out of line. He made me feel like crap for something that I didn't do. If anything, I was more angry than sad. I did know something, I wasn't going to apologize to him for something I didn't do, I was done being a poor little victim. If he wanted to talk then I would talk but I wasn't going to make the first move.

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