*Chapter 28: Into Pieces*

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Love, GrissyQuinn <3


"Skylar it's been a week. You haven't been out of D. Impero ever since we left the Valentinos and we don't even know what the hell happened! "Jeremy exclaimed as I kept punching the bag in front of me at the gym.

I hadn't said a word to anyone since I got back to D. Impero. There was nothing I could say that could possibly make anything better or remotely okay. Jeremy and Alexa hadn't gotten the hint and just kept trying to make me talk. I just spent the week either at the gym training or at my room for the past week. I hadn't seen my mother, hadn't talked to Jeremy or Alexa and hadn't seen my father either. That was probably a good thing and he was keeping his distance on purpose, knowing I would kill him on the spot the moment I did.

"Skylar, are you just not going to talk to us?" I ignored Jeremy's claim and kept punching and kicking the bag until my knuckles started feeling raw. It was the only way I could keep myself from breaking apart.

I heard both Jeremy and Alexa sigh before leaving me alone with my thoughts. It had been one week since Alexander found out the truth, one week since he kicked me out of his house, one week since everything that was good in my life fell apart and I broke into a million pieces once again. I was back at D. Impero, the place that terrified me to the core. Even if I wasn't a trainee anymore and Johnson was gone, I felt as if the screams of my past still haunted the white tiled walls of the place.

I kept fighting and punching with the bag until I couldn't anymore. Going back to my small room, I collapsed of exhaustion.

Another week passed, and I still hadn't said a word to anyone, not even myself. I hadn't heard my own voice in two weeks, just the sobs that made me fall asleep at night. The nightmares were back and being back in this place was utterly destroying me. I had lost the notion of time, but I knew it was nearing thanksgiving and I wasn't in a holiday mood. Then again, I hadn't been in that mood for years. I hadn't left the room today, I just opened my eyes not caring what time it was and stayed in bed.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. Finally getting up from bed, I went and answered the door. I thought it would Alexa or Jeremy again, but I never expected to see my mom, standing at the door.

"Hello, Skylar" she gave me a small smile.

I just stared at her. I stared at her for what felt like forever. I hadn't seen my mom since I left D. Impero months ago. I hadn't even talked to her in all that time. I was still so angry about how she just stood by while people tortured me in this place, I was angry that she was a part of it. But considering all that had happened the last few months, how I had changed, I didn't even process what I was doing before I threw myself at the arms of my mother and sobbed in her arms.

For that moment, I didn't care what my mom had done. All I knew was that I felt like my insides were dying and I just wanted to feel her arms around me. The door closed behind her as I just continued sobbing in her arms. I couldn't stop myself, it was like the wall I had around my feelings for the past two weeks, shattered and I couldn't stop crying now.

I don't know how much time passed before I wasn't sobbing anymore. My mom hadn't said a word during the whole time. I stood up and faced the wall away from my mother, my fists clenched before I finally gathered the strength to ask my mom what I had been trying to ask

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