Mall Day

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Bailey's POV 💙


I hear a camera go off. I bury my head into something. Everything comes back to be. I open my eyes just a slit and i can tell that I hid my head in Bradleys neck. He does the same and tightens his arms around my waist and rolls over so hes covering my body.

"Aw their so cute!" Kelly go back to bed.

"Can I wake big Brother" aww shes so cute. Bradley starts placing kisses along my neck.

"Im gonna shoot them" he whispers in my ear.

"Ill fucking help" he hides his laugh by biting my ear lob. I bite my lip to hold in a moan. I make my eye into a slit to see a little girl looking at Bradley. I grab her hand and drag her to the ground with me. She giggles and i roll over onto my side. She cuddles into my chest.

"Good morning cutie"

"Morning, who are you?"

"Bailey and who are you?"

"Annabella, why was my big brother lying on top of you" Bradley laughs and spoons me from behind. He wraps his arms around both of us


We look up to see Kelly with my phone taking pictures.

"What are you doing?" I ask her

"Taking pictures" I sigh and look at Annabella.

"You wanna go back to bed?" I ask her. She nods her head. I pick her up and run up the nearest staris.

"Go right " i turn right and run into the door she points. I see a double bed and we jump on to the bed. We get under the covers and fall back asleep.

"Come on sleepy heads " someone places kisses all over my face.

"Noo five more minutes " Annabella and I say at the same time. Bradley chuckles and grabs us. He throws us over each shoulder. He runs down the staires with both of us laughing. A hear a record button start playing. He gets to the living room and starts spinning in a circle. We giggle even more and spread our hands out. He trips and we fall. I wrap an arm around Annabellas head so  she doesn't hit that.

"Thats so going on Snapchat" I look to see Kelly still on my phone.

"Go ahead" I sit up and throw my hair into a messy bun on my head. I end up straddling his waist and setting Annabella in my arms.

"Should we get up Annabella?" She shrugs. I blow a rasberry on her tummy and she giggles.

"Okay-okay" I laugh and stand up. I toss her in the air a couple times. I can feel Bradleys hands on my thighs. I hear more pictures being taken but I ignore them.

"Lets go get dressed" i set her down and jogg outside to my car and grab my spear overnight bag. I jog inside.

"Bathroom?" I ask Hunter.

"Upstairs, first door on the left" I nod and run up the staris. I knock before going inside.

I quickly change and brush my teeth and hair. I throw on my beanie and fix my necklace. The last thing of hers.

I jog into the kitchen and jump on Hunters back.

"Whats up?"

'I don't know..we should go to the mall" says Kelly..

"Can Annabella come!" My eyes light up. I love that little girl and I've only just meet her.

"You have to ask Bradley" I smirk.

"That shouldnt be hard"

'Whats that on your neck?" I take out my phone and pull up my camera. On both sides of my neck are two big hickeys.

"BREADLEY!!!" I jump off Hunter and run to his room. I only know where it is because I asked Hunter. I barge in to see him only in jeans that hang low on his waist.

"Done staring?" I chuckle and lay down on his bed.

"Did you know what I found out today?" I ask him. He throws on a shirt. Damn, he could have went with out on.


"You marked me"

"Yup" he nods.

"So you owe me..there for Annabella is coming to the mall with us" he stops in his tracks. And walks over to the bed. He plops down beside me on his back.

"And if I say no" I straddle his waist and start kissing and biting his neck.

"Ill just have to change your mind" he hums and places his hands on my ass. I move to the other side and nibble again.

"S-she can come" i place one last kiss on his neck and sit up.

"Good" i jump off him and book it downstairs. I hear pounding foot steps behind me. I pick up speed and fly into the kitchen. I pick up Annabella and hide behind her.

"Wheres the tease?"

"Who?" Asks Josh. They lookk at him till they see his neck an they burst out laughing.

"Ready to go to the mall?" I ask Annabella. Shes dressed in black jeans, a blue t-shirt, jordons, and a jean jacket. She nods. I pick her up and set her on my hip.

"Annabellas riding with me"

"Then I have to ride with you" says Bradley. I huff

"Fine" I skip outside causing annabella to bounce on my hip. I buckle her in the back in a old boster seat that I had before. I hop in the driver seat at the same time that Bradley hops on the pasenger seat.

"Ready?" I rev the engine causing it to purr. Annabella laughs and I pull out of the drive way.

We park in a line and I grab Annabella. I place her in front of me with her legs wrapped around my waist and arms around my neck.

"So I need a nick name for you" she nods. "How about bella?" She shakes her head no.

"Bells?" No

"Anna?" No

"Baby doll? " No

"Babygirl" yes
She nods her head yes.

"So babygirl what are we gonna buy today?" I ask her. Everyone flanks me as I walk through the malls door.

"Im hungry" she whines.

"Food court?" She nods and burys her head in my neck. We walk into the food court and sit down at a big table. We order pizza and start eating.

"So the slut has a daughter" I look up to see the queen b of the high school. OMFG can she get a life.

I pass Annabella to Kelly and stand up.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I place my hands on the table. She smirks.

"I knew you were a slut but now a kid" I walk around the table till were face to face with her two minions flanking her.

"Says you, you've sleept with probably the whole fucking male population. For all we know you could have slept with even some of the female population." My group laughs at her. She tries slapping me. I grab her hand and push her away. Bradley quickly pulls me away.

"Dont fight here, not in front of Annabella" he whispers to me. I nod and grab Annabella. I hold her close to calm me down.

"Can we shop now Bailey?"

"Yea come on Annabella" we quickly walk off.

"Okay who was the female dog." Asks Tyler once were outta ear shot.

"Thats the queen b of our school" I begin.

"Then why did she say knew" I start walking faster.

"Because she was my best friend"

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