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Bailey's POV 💙

After going to a few stores we head to my house. As we pull up I see everyones car home.

"Thats werid" Bradley looks at me werid.

"What is?" I focus back on the road.

"Everyones home..they are never unless. ..sugar sticks" I whisper. I park the car and walk inside. Bradley grabs Annabella. Hunter walks in behund me. I open the front door to see the guys and dad talking in the kitchen.

"Whats going on?" They stop talking and look at me.

"Bailey, about tonight" Tom trails off.

"What about tonight? " I hear everyone walk behind me. Kelly takes Annabella into my room.

"Bailey, its more than the usal fight. Its an all go fight"

"Fuck" I curse under my breath "against who?"

"The Wolf" i massage my temples and sigh.

"Im gonna go and get change" I run ulstairs and into my closet. I grab my gym outfit. Black spandex shorts, a white and black sports bra. I throw on some grey jogging pants over top with a white nike t-shirt. I throw on some trainers, I tie my hair into a high poine tail. I tuck my knife into my shorts and walk back into my room.

"Babygirl come here" she jumps off my bed and runs into my arms.

"What is it Bailey?"

"I love you Annabella. No matter what happens to me tonight..." I sigh. Ive only just meet this girl. I turn to kelly "can i talk to her for a minute alone" she nods and walks out the door shutting it. I sit down on the bed with her in my arms.

"Whats going on Bailey?" I cant look her in the eyes as I say this.

"Babygirl. I have to do something tonight. I might not come back, I may not have known you long. But Annabella , You mean everything to me. You have me wrapped around these little fingers." I wiggle her fingers. I see a tear run down her check. I kiss it away. " but I will try my damnedest to get back to you. You will be my reason to fight, you will be the reason that I come out of that place." She hugs me.  I rub her back sothing.

"Promise you'll come back" I look to the door to see Bradley staring at us.

"I will always come back, no matter who I have to go through to come back to you" I wipe away the tears on her eyes. I kiss her forhead and leave my lips on her forhead i close my eyes and rest my lips for a few minutes. I pull back and lock her in the eye.

"I love you baby girl"

"I love you to boo bear" I smile and set her on the bed. I brush her hair out of her face and walk out. I walk past Bradley and run down the stairs. I run into the kitchen to see everyone staring at me.

"Bailey please dont do this"says Kelly. I look her in the eye.

"Kelly this is who I am, this is what I do" she slowly nods. I open my arms for her. She runs into them. I hug her tightly. The hugs go around till. The only one left is Bradley. He wraps his arms around me and me around him. 

"Your gonna come out"

"I promise, and I always keep my promises." He lets go and I turn to the other people.

"You guys cant be there tonight"


'Like hell!"

"Silence!" I yell over everone.

"I am going in alone and I will come back even if I have to go through everyone and everything in that bar" I grab my keys and walk out the door. I jump in my car and speed away.

As I pull up I notice its a full house tonight.


Sarcasm noted.

I park my car and walk into the gym, I spot Wolf already in the ring. I shake out my body befofe I walk up to the ring.

"Lets get this started."everyone snaps their eyes to me. I smirk. I flip into the ring and stand in my cornor. I start streching and disgared my joggers and t-shirt. I make sure that my knife is tucked into my shorts, hidden.

"You girls ready" i nod and look at Wolf. She nods. We get into a stance. As he explains I let everything float throw my mind.

I have to win.

For Annabella









All their faces flash through my mind like a dvd on fast forward, on constant repeat. The bell cutts off my mind. The last person I see is Annabella. I will won this for her. If this is the last thing I do...

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