I promised

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Her ending move^

We've been fighting for a good 20 minutes. Both of us are bloody and bruised. She brings out a pocket knife. I slowly bring mine out. Out of the cornor of my eye I can see that the family walked in. Fuck. She swings her knife and I dodge. I cut her her wrist and her knife goes flying. I back fist swing my knife and it cuts her stomach. I wipe the blood off my forhead and kick her. She kicks me back and gets my knfie outta my hand. She kicks me down. I fall to my knees, as I look to my family. All the memories run through my mind. My mind ends on Annabella and Bradley. I front roll away from the right round house kick coming towards my head. I crouch and stand up. I run towards her and finish with my finishing move. I snap her neck and land in a crouch postion. The bell rings and I slowly stand up. The reff tried to touch me but I glare at him. He backs away slowly. I grab my clothes and keys. I grab the money and walk away. I walk to my family and grab Hunter by the ear.

"Ouch woman" I just speed up and drag him out the door. I throw him to the ground.

"What the hell did I tell you?"

"I wasent gonna let you get yourself get killed?" I hear the others come outside.

"Yet you guys sre the ones who distracted me and almost got me killed. For crying out loud Hunter!" I punch the the wall beside me. I lean my forhead against the wall and hold in a tear. "You dont understand guys. .inside there..people don't care if your in a gang or not..they will kill you." I slowly stand up and walk away.

"Get outta here before they come for you" I walk to my car and jump in.

I speed down the street with the others following.

"Head to the gang house" the ear piece says. I through it onto the passenger seat and shift gears. I speed up with the others still in my rear veiw mirrior. I drift into park and shut down the engine. I grab a towel from the back seat and start wiping the blood away as I step out of the car. I walk inside to see many gamg memebers. I just walk to the biggest one.

"Wheres Annabella?" I probably looked like a freak, walking around briused and bloody.

"Why should I tell you!" He stands up and gets in my face. I push down on his shoulders and make him sit down.

"Listen here buddy boy! I am not to be fucked with right now so tell me where she is so I can keep my promise to her! ANNABELLA!" I hear foot steps running down the steps. I look to the stairs to see a crying Annabella. I run to her and grab her. I hug her like Ill never see her again.

"You came back!" She crys in my ear.

"I promised didn't I?" I move her to look her in the eye. I use my hand to smooth down her hair. "And I always keep my promises" she nods and wraps her arms aeound my neck.

"So you've been reconnected" I turn to see the gang at the door to the living room. I nod.

"Babygirl im gonna have to let you go so I can get cleaned up..okay?" She nods and slowly lets me go.

"You promise you'll stay?" She asks and has a hopefull look in her eye. I smile at her.

"I ain't going no where with out you unless I have to protect you" she nods and runs to Brad.

"Come on, you can borrow some of my clothes" Kelly drags me upstairs into her room. She pushs me some clothes and into her bathroom. I slowly peel the clothes off. I turn the tap onto hot water. I turn to the mirrior and stare at the girl in the mirrior.

This girl is bloody and bruised. This girl is the new me. The girl that turned into something that, that night brought on. That night, changed me for the rest of my life. If it wasn't for that night. I wouldn't be caught hanging with a gang, Id be at home, watching movies on the couch with my brothers, father, and...her.

Not this bloody and bruised person. I step into the shower after the mirrior starts to fog. The water burns the cuts. I rub the blood off. The water turns from red, to pink to clear.

I hop out once the water turns clear. I through on the clothes that Kelly gave to me. I limp out of the room holding my ribs with one arm, the other towel drying my hair. Kelly frowns when she sees my body.

"Come on lets head to the kitchen" I nod and follow her out. Im wearing a sports bra and a pair of grey jogging pants. I limp down the stairs still holding my ribs.

"These fucking hurt" I hiss out at her. She chuckles at me.

"Lets go get you your ice" i nod my head slightly and limp into the kitchen. The laughing dies down when people see me.

"Holy mother of god.." I look to see the big guy staring at me.


"You look like shit" he exclaims bluntly.

"Well thanks captin ofivce. But that dosent mean I cant kick you ass still" I grab ice outta the frezzer and wrap it into a towel. I press it onto my ribs. I lean agains the counter as everyone chuckles at the big guy.

"I like you" I look up to meet his eyes again. He looks to be in his high twentys.

"Sorry dude but Im not into older guys." An arm wraps around my shoulders and one around my waist.

"Could thing im only one year older" I chuckle and lean into Brad.

"You sure you dont want any pain killers " I look at Josh and smirk.

"No pain, no gain" Hunter laughs and nods.

"She used to get worse than this, at the ring they'd call her stitches till she started wining" I laugh at that memory but then groan in pain.

"Time for bed little ninja" Bradley whispers in my ear. I nod and lean into his chest.

"Wheres Annabella?" I ask him.

"In bed" he nibbles on my ear lob. He lifts me up carefully and walks upstairs. I hide my face in his chest. He opens a door and closes it with his foot. He gently sets me on the bed. I look around and relize that Im in his bedroom.

"Why am I in your bedroom? " he starts to strip down, i make my eyes drift over to the wall across the room.

"Because Im not letting you go again" The bed dips and my back is pulled into a chest.

"What If I wanna go?" I ask ik a whisper.

"Your never gonna get away" I chuckle at him and close my eyes.

"You scared me today baby doll"

"Have a little faith eh?" He chuckles amd it vibrates thriugh out my body. I slowly let darkness take over.

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