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Bailey's POV

I watch as he parks his car. The car that holds so many memories. I glare at him as he steps out. Smirking as he makes eye contact with me.

"Ahh if it isn't my favorite girl." He walks over so hes 5 ft away from me. I step forward and feel everyone walking so their behind me.

"What the hell you doing here Eric" I growl out through gritted teeth. He smirks and puts in hands in his pockets retriving a smoke and lighter. He lights up and blows the smoke mear my face. I just glare harder. Now not affected by it after those years.

"You were never supposed to come back, you made that promise years ago" he shrugs.

"Im here for the race. I miss little Jazzy,how is she" I growl and see red. I jump at him but arms hold me back. Arms around my waist, hands gripping my shoulders and arms.

"You know an well what happened you bastard" I seeth at him. He smirks and starts walking backwards.

"See you on the track" he spins on his heels and walks back to his old friends. Bradley grabs me and pulls me into his chest.

"Shh, breath Baby. Calm down" I take deep breathes of his warm soothing scent. Slowly calming myself down.

"Im fine, thank you guys" the say small "okays" and "welcomes "

"NEXT UP OUR CHAMP DRIFTER AND WELCOME BACK KING. TAKE YOUR SPOTS!" I kiss Bradleys neck before untangling myself from him and walk to my car. I hop in and start her up. I roll up all my windows so the wind don't slow me down. I pull up beside that bastards car. I watched as a girl barly wearing clothes walked out to see was in between the cars.

"Ready" she pointed to me. I reved my engine.

"Ready" he reved his engine. The one I helped build.


"Go" she dropped the flag and I pressed on the gas. I fly down the dirt road and make the turn leading into the city. During the race we have to race through there and make it back. I lool in my rear veiw so see him riding on my ass. I shift gears gaining speed and drift onto the heavy trafficed road. Car horns could be heard every where as we zipped in and out of between cars and trucks. He passed me a few times but I got right back in first place. I looked to him as we neared the last turn in the city to see a smirk, an evil, bome hilling smirk set on his face. I zone back in and start drifting tk make the turn. He came beside me and pushed my car so I couldn't finish my turn. I felt the car car tipping and slowly starting to turn. It started flipping as the sound of metal being crushed, glass braking. Things in the way being crushed. Class flew at me all around as I tried covering myself. I hear a car horn and thats the last thing I hear before I let darkness over take as I hear the car smash against mine...

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