My storytelling

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Baileys POV

I sigh and step out of the car. I know everyones waiting, wondering why he ran my into on coming traffic. I guess its time to come clean. Bradley grabs my hand and I stare down st it before slightly smiling. I start walking and he falls into step. The house perfectly quiet. We walk into the living room to see everyone sitting around, making sure their comfortable. Waiting to hear my storie. Hunter held his head in his hands between hes legs. It was his gid daughter. I sit down on the arm chair and Brad sits on the big couch. I atare at the fire for a few moments.

"I had a daughter..." I whisper. Kelly, Tyler, all of them just stared in shock except Hunter. He didnt want me to keep talkin about it. "She was only 3. She had my hair, her fathers bright green eyes that would turn darker when I would steal her toys. Or when they'd become the softest green when she was about to cry. We were out shopping. She let go of my hand. I thought she was gonna stay right beside me, she didn't. She ran off towards an ally. I tried following her. But the time I got there the gun shot had already ran through the air. I held her in my arms as she died. As she asked me to sing for her. Her faciourte song was Cow girls dont cry. Id blair that song all the time. She'd get so happy and start dancing the best she could. That guy at the tracks last week.." I take a deep breath lean my arms over my legs.

"Eric Clapton, my baby daddy. He was two years older then me. We meet when I was 15. He started getting physical around my 16th birthday. Wanting to touch , hand jobs. I tried to fught him off. That earned me a back hand. I still stayed with him. I loved him then. When we found out about the baby 8 months after my birthday he become so protective. He loved her, she was a daddys girl. When we lost her, he snapped and left town. I wasn't supposed to come back. Ever. First losing my baby then him,I feel into depression. Hunter would have to clean me up. Id box till .y knuckles were raw. Gymnastics till I couldn't hold myself up anymore. I barley ate. Plus before that i lost my mother. Everything came crashing down in a 10 year stand. Hunter was Jasmines god father. She would have been 4.
Jasmine Williams. She was my love." I Slowly let my eyes meet everyone elses. No pity. Just determination, pride, and proudness. I look to Bradley last. His eyes filled with fear, and a little pity. Why?

"Should we tell her" I hear Kelly whisper before the front door is slammed. I make eye contact and glare at Kelly.

"Tell me what Kelly" she gaulps and brushs the haie away from her face.

"Well you see, Bradleys parents killed a little girl Jasmines age. His mother is still on the lose" I sit there. Rage and betrayal runs though my vains.

"Get out.." I grit my teeth and glench my jaw.

"Think about this boo" I look up to Hunt. The one Im mad at the most.

"No,get out. Leave me alone...NOW!" I shout. They get up and I follow them to the door I slam it behind them. How could they? I asked Hunter before if they were part of the gut who killed my baby, turn out the guy Im dating is the son of the killers. I walk to my room and shut my door. I lean my back against it and slowly slid down till my knees are pulled up to my chest. I rock myself slightly back and forth as the memories flood my mind.

Her smile




Her beautiful Blonde hair....she was perfectly mixed between Eric and I. I quickly stand up and start throughing things. I scream as I smash a glass picture fram against my wall never more picture frames. Soon my mirror. I grasp books and send them across them room. Screaming out my frustrations. I fall onto my torn up bed and cry. My frustrations. Everything Ive built over the years. All the stress. How much people have hurt me. How they've let me down with their lies. I feel two bodys hold me and the woodsy smells let me know there the twins. The rub my back, hair soothing. Whispering calm nothings in my ear.

"Itll be okay Sis..." I heard Ben mutter before darkness fully lapse my body.

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