Race Night

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Baileys POV

I woke up oddly comfortable. Normal Im never like this the day after. I felt somthing touch my knuckles and I opened my eyes. But because someone opened my curtians I had to shut them again. I turn to I could cover my face but the person didn't let go of my hand. I yanked it away and held it close to my chest. Something hard was pressed against my side and I had my face buried in my pillow. I reach for my blankets and yank them above my head too.

"Come on sleepy heads, time to wake up" I keep quiet at Kellys voice.

"I wouldn't do that" I heard tye twims mutter. Someome pulled the blanket down and I swung my hand up hiting somthing hard.

"Oww!" I heard Kelly cry out.

"Told yeah" they muttered in unasion. Some people find it werid. I just got used to it.

"Why awe Brwther and Boo bear always Lwke thwt" I sigh and open up the blankets. I feel Annabellas body press into my and I cuddle her into the blankets. Hands grab my tummy and pull my more into the body. I relize that its Brad and let it be. I know Kelly's taking pictures. Again. I actually set one as my home screen.

"Come on love birds, get up" shouted Hunter. I opened my eyes and glared at him.

"Fudge off" Josh bursts out laughing and ends up falling off the chair he was sitting on.

"Never thoughtnId see the day where you wouldn't swear "

"Theres a kid here dumb dumb " I growl at him. He sobers up and frowns.

"Party pooper" I sigh and feel Brad move his head to my neck and Annabella move so she has her head near my tummy.

"Come on, Bailey its 6 in the evening and you have a race tonight." I sigh and stand up. Brad groans and I lift Annabella to my hip.

"Get back here" grumbles Bradley. I peck his libs before handing Annabella over to Kelly.

"Out and Ill get ready" I watch as they leave and Brad just lays in bed. I shrug and pull out some clothes. Black tight skinnys with rios in the knees. A white tank top that defines my faunt six pack and shows little clevage. I grab ankle socks and and timbs. I throw all that on and tie up my black timbs. I throw on my black leather jacket and walk to my vanite. I see Brad watching my in the mirror as I do my eyeliner. I run a brush throw my hair and leave it in its natural curly stage. I put it in a high ponie tail letting curls fall down my back. I sigh and lean against the mirror with my hands. I look down at my hands wonder where Id be right now if it wasn't for them. Arms wrap around my waist and I look up to meet Brads eyes. I grab brads phone and take a photo. He smiles and looks down at me as I look at him.

"Come on guys!" Shouts Tyler.

(Figured Id bring him back since we haven't heard from him for a while)

"Lets go baby" Brad grabs my hand amd drags my down stairs.

"About time" huffs Tyler and he tryes to hide his laugh with a cough but it didnt end well. I shake my head and grab a red bull out of the fridge and pass one to Brad and grab one myself.

"Lets go people,you dragged me outta bed" they laugh at me and I drag Brad outside. Hunter, Tyler, and Josh are dropping Annabella off at her grandmas and Kelly, Brad and I make out way to the track. I some what listen to Kelly rant about a boy she liked but just mostly drove. Brad grabs my hand and I look over. He smiles and winks. He rubs his thumb over the back of my hand and it helps calm me. As we get closer you hear the faint of music starting to get louder and louder. I pull into a parking spot were you can see the race right in front of you. I shut down my car after reving ut once and get out. I shut the door and Kelly gets out on Brads side. I walk to the front and I notice multiple girls throwing me glares as I hold hands with Brad. I smirk at any girl that glares. Brad chuckles amd kisses the top of my head.

"Im all your baby" I nod and kiss his neck because Im to short to reach his lips. Another car pulls up and I notice its the boys with the hummer.

"What we miss" asks Josh as he jumps out the passenger side.

"Just Bailey smirking at any girl who bats an eyelash towards Bradley " I smirk at the guys as they chuckle.

"Lets get our race on" as soon as we hear that I hear a car rev its engine. I turn to meet a person's eyes I though Id never see again.

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