Chapter 3

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Demi's POV

"Demi? How do you know this girl?" Nicole asked.

"Well, erm." maybe I should just tell her. "Remember the girl I was talking to you about at lunch..."

"Yeah." she said giving me a funny look. "Oh. Demi, no. You don't have to do that! But why'd you call her?"

"Because she's the only person I know who will know what you've done. And it doesn't matter, I'm gonna have to see her at some point." I told her just as the doorbell went. I got up and walked to the front door.

"Hi, thanks for coming round, I really appreciate it." I greeted her.

"Hey Demi. No problem. Where's this friend of yours?" she asked walking into the hallway.

"Living room." I followed her in and introduced them.

"Nicole, this is Jennel. Jennel, Nicole."

"Hi Nicole, I'm... a friend of Demi's and a doctor. Can I have a quick look at your ankle?" she asked.

Nicole's POV

"Can I have a quick look at your ankle?" Jennel asked.

"Yeah, sure." I replied. She sat at the end of the sofa and pulled my ankle into her lap. She played around with it and told me to tell her what hurt. I did as she asked. I'm trying to be nice, but I really don't want to. Not after how upset Demi was over her.

"Okay, well its not broken, I think you've just twisted it when you fell down." she concluded. "Keep it elevated, ice and heat it and take paracetomol and iprbroufen to reduce the pain and swelling." she advised. Still looking at my ankle she asked "I could put a bandage on it to give you some support if you want? What do you think Dems?" I was watching Demi and her face dropped when Jennel called her Dems.

"What ever you thinks best." Demi's voice was cracking and looked as if she was about to burst into tears. Jennel was busy wrapping the bandage around my ankle to notice Demi quickly burst out the room. A door slammed and Jennels head shot up, her eyes wide.

"Was that Demi?!" she asked kind of panicked. She already knew the answer.

"Yeah, she looked a bit upset."

"Shit." Jennel mumbled before jumping up and running out the room and up the stairs. I could hear her banging on the door and shouting at Demi to come out. I moved myself off the sofa.

"Josh, stay here okay. Keep watching tv and don't move." he agreed and I hobbled off and I bum shuffled up the stairs, ignoring the pain radiating from my ankle. I got onto the landing and saw Jennel sitting against a door talking to Demi. Well more at Demi as she wasn't responding. "What's through there?" I asked.

"Bathroom" Jennel said simply. "Demi please, you're better than this. Just come out and we'll talk." she cooed desperately.

"I don't want to talk to you Jennel!" Demi shouted back. It was clear she was crying.

"Demi, will you talk to me?" I asked.  There was silence for about ten minutes, just the sound of Jennel and Demi crying. And then the sound of metal hitting a tiled floor. I know that sound. Oh god no. Not her. Not Demi.

"Demi! Please let one of us in." Jennel shouted as nicely as possible.

"Just you Jennel. Nicole go back to Josh." Demi's weak voice came through the door. I did as she asked and started slowly making my way back to Josh.

Demi's POV

I unlocked the door once I heard Nicole on the stairs. Jennel walked in slowly and took in the sight of me. I was slumped against the bath, my wrist in my lap. Of course this isn't the first time Jennel has seen me like this. Without saying a word she grabbed a towel and ran it under the water for a few seconds before sitting beside me and pulling me in towards her. She placed the towel on my wrist and cleaned up the cuts.

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