Chapter 9

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Nicole's POV

I woke up to the noise of a car horn sounding. I immediately sat up confused, but then I remembered the previous events of the past few days.

So here I am sitting in a bush at the side of the main road. I slept here last night, but I kept waking up because the cars and lorry's were so loud. I mean you get used to it after a few hours but still. I miss Josh already, but there is no way I could have him here. I grabbed my bag and crawled out of the bushes. I'm only a few minutes away from the service station, so I'll go and grab a shower in there. I got some strange looks from people but i don't really care. I just want to get to that shower and feel a little more human.

 I walked to the toilet section of the services and entered one of the two shower cubicles. I locked the door and hung up my bag before taking off my clothes. I switched on the water and let it heat up. I fished out my blade and placed it on the little ledge under a small mirror.

I stood under the hot water and let it hit my body. You would think I haven't showered in weeks with how good this felt. I took some of that shower gel stuff that also doubles as shampoo from the dispenser. Its not the best of stuff but it'll do. I washed my body and hair until I was dirt and soap free. I then grabbed my blade. Holding my wrist out in front of me, I dragged the metal across it until the blood was running off my hand. The water around me turned a slight crimson as it washed away. I shut off the water.

I pressed some of those scratchy blue paper towels against the cuts until the bleeding slowed. Then I dried myself with more of the towels, I should've brought a towel. I got dressed and brushed through my hair. I gathered up my stuff and placed the blade back into the bag before leaving the shower room and going into the toilets. It was empty so I made my way to the far end out of view and sat under a hand drier for a few minutes attempting to get my hair to dry.

Once it wasn't dripping so much I tied it up and entered a cubical. I used the toilet and made my way back out. I washed my hands and tried to make myself half decent. I adjusted my jumper slightly so it was covering all my cuts and I pulled on the few bracelets I had with me.

I don’t think I need to eat yet. I’ll just wait and see how I feel later. Plus if I wait until I’m really hungry, I’ll appreciate the food more. Plus tomorrow is Monday so I can completely binge at school, were it’s cheaper.

Most of my school stuff is at school and I have my uniform. I’ll get a shower here again tomorrow and walk to school. Then I’ll leave after afternoon registration because I have Demi last. Sorted. I just have to avoid her like the plague and keep my head down. It’ll all be fine. Or at least, I hope it’ll all be fine.

I walked out of the service station. Where to go next? I don’t want to stray too far away from here, but I don’t wanna stay here all day. I could go home I guess, nobody will be there. Yeah, I’ll go there.

Demi’s POV

I switched off my alarm and crawled out of Jennel’s arms. I walked to my own bathroom and jumped in the shower. Yeah, it’s cold but I don’t care. I need to find her. I quickly washed my body, before getting out and pulling on some clothes. I grabbed my glasses and shoved them on my face before walking downstairs. I took my phone off charge and pulled on my shoes. With a banana, phone and car keys in hand I walked out to my car. I quickly sent Jennel a text,

Demi (6.45am): Gone out to look for Nicole. Be back later. Love you xxx

I put the keys in the ignition and drove off. I parked up at the local shopping center and grabbed my banana before getting out the car. I ate the piece of fruit whilst walking around looking for her. I’ve walked around three times and looked through every shop, she’s not here. Where the hell are you?

The only other place I can think to look is her house I guess. But I doubt she would go there, not after what happened. I switch on the ignition and begin the drive to Nicole’s house. I keep looking out for her, but no luck. I turned into her street and park away from her house. I climbed out the car and made my way to her house and knocking on the door. After about a minute the door swung open.

“What?” a woman slurred. That must be her mum, they look quite similar.

“Hi, is Nicole home?” I asked calmly.

“Who wants to know?”


“Are you that girl from work?” she asked smirking to herself. Okay, that’ll do. Wait, Nicole works? She never mentioned that before.

“Yeah, I am. So is she home?”

“No. If you see her tell her not to bother coming back.” A well built man answered as he stood in front of Nicole’s mum. He started shouting and ranting about her, saying some awful things.

“You shouldn’t talk about someone like that, especially your daughter. Nicole is an intelligent, beautiful young woman, with an amazing personality and a wicked sense of humor. She deserves so much better than you.” I told them, tears threatening to spill.

“What? Are you in love with her or something?” he asked laughing. I need to walk away before I do something more stupid. I walked back to my car and sat there crying. I can’t believe Nicole had to deal with that for so long.

Nicole’s POV

It’s taken me about an hour to walk here and I’m greeted with the sight of the one person I don’t want to see. Okay, one of three people, but hey you get the picture. Demi. She’s walking towards my house. There’s a tree opposite my house, I’ll stand under that and then just hide when she comes back. At least then I’ll know if anyone’s home.

So the door just opened and there’s my mum, drunk as usual. It’s quite funny really because she towers over Demi, just like I do I guess. My mum and I are very similar, I hate it. I used to think I’d turn out just like her, I really hope I don’t. I wouldn’t wish another version of my mother on the world.

They’ve been talking for a few minutes now. But I can see my dad in the background. I don’t think Demi knows he’s there because she seems really confident. I guess he’s decided to show his face. I can’t hear what he said but it obviously took Demi by surprise. She’s stepped back and looks really vulnerable. I hate this, I don’t want anyone to ever feel like this. My parents suddenly look really angry.

“She’s a whore, she’s worthless and ugly. Nicole is a good for nothing lump of fat that won’t get anywhere. She has nothing going for her. Everyone hates her and she is no longer welcome under this roof. She has disrespected us and that can never be forgiven. Who would want to forgive her anyway? Why would you want to know her? Give up on her. It’s the best thing to do.” My dad ranted. I think half the street could hear him. That makes me feel so much better dad. Thank you. This doesn’t really affect me anymore. I’ve heard it too many times. The same shouting speech, given to me almost every time I see him. It gets old. Yeah it still hurts a bit I guess, but the sting isn’t there.

Demi was walking away, she was looking round and I dodged behind the tree. I can still see her though. She had tears streaming down her face as she got in her car. She sat there for a few minutes before driving off. I came out from behind my tree as her car disappeared from the street. My parents had gone back inside and I guess home isn’t really an option anymore.

Where to next?

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