Chapter 18

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Demi's POV

Come on. Pick up. Pick up.

"Hello?"  Oh thank god.

"Hi, Sel. How are you?" I asked.

"Who is this?"

"Its Demi."

"Oh, what do you want?" surprise flooded her voice.

"I know you're coming to the UK next week and I was wondering if you'd want to catch up?"

"Look, Demi I'm sorry. But I'm just not comfortable with the idea of being around you. Plus my management would never agree to it." I could really hear the bitterness in her voice.

"Okay. Forget it. Have a good life Selena." I hung up the phone and pulled my knees into my chest. Dropping my phone next to me, I began to think of all the memories we had together.

Barney and Friends, The Princess Protection Program, the YouTube videos we made, the shows she joined me on. Every sleepover, concert and meal we went to together. The list could go on. I mean my family was her second family and hers mine.

We were best friends for years. The problems only started when I got close to Wilmer. I started to 'date' him and she dated Justin. We 'broke up' before I went to treatment.  Wilmer was just a cover up and he knew it. I was really dating Jennel at this point, Selena didn't agree with me going out with another girl. Neither did Hollywood records for that fact.

She found out that I used to be in love with her and I guess it freaked her out. We stopped being friends then. I went into treatment and I got a few messages from her once I got out. But nothing much. I miss her. I miss just being in her company. We could sit for hours and not speak, but we’d both be comfortable. I’ve not really had a close friend since Selena.

“Morning baby.” My thoughts were cut off by Jennel’s lips meeting mine. She sat down next to me and pulled me in towards her body. “What’s wrong?” she asked softly, her fingers running through my hair.

“Nothing.” I replied.

“Dem, you’re crying. Please, just talk to me.”

“There’s nothing you can say or do.” Wiping the tears from my face, I pulled myself away from her. “I’ll go wake up Josh and Nicole.”

“It’s half nine. They’ve been and gone.”


“Yeah, you were still asleep so I sorted them out and took them to school.” She said smiling slightly. She got up and walked towards me, her arms wrapped around me. “I love you.”

I kissed her nose quickly. “I love you more Jen.”

“Go shower and I’ll make us some breakfast and we can talk, okay?”

“I’m not hungry..”

“I don’t care. You need to eat Dem.”


“Because you’ve got a long day at the studio today. You’re worse than Josh.” Her face showing a serious expression. “Come on, shower!”

“Fine.” I replied huffing. She kissed me one last time before removing her arms from around my body. She turned me round and smacked my bum.

“Oi!” she smirked and winked at me, as I walked up stairs. I stripped off and got into the shower. I washed my body and got out. Wrapping a towel around my damp body I walked back to our room. I dried my body and pulled on some underwear. I then grabbed some blue jeans and a black faded baggy top. I yanked them on to my body. The jeans hugging my curves. I brushed my hair and let it fall around my face.

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