Chapter 23

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Demi's POV

Nicole kept waking up and squirming and whimpering in her sleep. Each time she did, I'd hold her that little bit closer or tighter. "Everything's okay, you're safe." I'd say. And once she'd calmed down, I'd tell her, "I got you, try get some more sleep.". Nicole would just look up at me, showing a sheepish smile; whilst her eyes said thank you.

Once Nicole was fully awake, I let her get washed and dressed whilst I make breakfast. She joined me in the kitchen as I began to serve up the food. “Porridge or pancakes?” I ask her.

“Um, porridge please.” She replies.

“Sorry, what?”

“I’ll have pancakes if it’s a problem..” she said looking worried slightly.

“Oh…no. Its fine, I just assumed you’d go for pancakes.” I chuckled slightly, placing a bowl of steaming porridge in front of her and another in front of me. I sat opposite her as we began to eat.

“Do I have to go to school?” she asks quietly.

“You know you do Nicole.” She just sighs and nods her head. “I know you don’t wanna be there, but you’ve got to. The best thing you can do is keep your head down and get on with it. I know it sucks, but there’s nothing we can do. Unfortunately I can’t stop them doing what they do to you, if anything I’d only make it worse.”

“I know.”

“Look, if you feel shit or want a break or anything just come to my classroom or call me. I’ll keep my phone on today. Just come and find me and we can sort it out, okay?”


“It’s gonna be alright Nic, you’ve only got four and a half days left. Plus you’ve got the talent show on Friday, that’ll be good.” Josh walked into the room and sat down next to Nicole. She leans over and kisses the top of his head gently. I get up from my chair and pour some pancake mix into a pan and start to fry it. “Do you know what you’re defiantly going to sing?”

“Um, I guess. An acoustic version of So Long, And Thanks For-“

“All The Booze?” I finish her sentence. Another All Time Low song. Don’t get me wrong, I love them. But she always sings the same three bands. It gets a little boring you know? This girl has a great voice, but the music she sings doesn’t showcase her to the best of her ability.

“Yeah.” She giggles slightly. “It’s what I’m most comfortable with at the moment.” I place the pancake onto a plate ads set it down in front of Josh. Taking my seat again, I start eating whilst we talk.

“That’s the thing you’re comfortable with it, it’s predictable. Don’t you want to push yourself a little? Try something new?” I suggest.

“I’ve got all summer to try something new.” She rolls her eyes at me.

“Okay, fair enough. Eat up guys, we need to leave soon.” I out my bowl into the sink and go upstairs. I quickly shower and head into Jennel and I’s room. Holding my towel around my body I walk over towards the bed where Jennel still sleeps peacefully. “Jen…Jennel, baby, wake up.” I shake her gently.

“Morning Dem.” She slurs as she wakes up.

“Morning, come on you need to get up. You’ve got those interviews today.” I say smiling before kissing her lips gently. Her hands snake round my waist pulling me down onto the bed closer to her. “Jen, come on.” I say pulling away from her. She simply kisses me harder and nibbles slightly on my bottom lip. I moan slightly and she smirks.

“Okay, you can go now.” She chuckles.


“Hey, you left me alone last night.” She pouts.

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