Chapter 8

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Demi's POV

I stopped running towards her.

"Can I help you?" she asked. Its not her. That's not her voice.

"Er, um." she smiled at me. She must have been about twenty. "Sorry, I thought you were someone I knew." I said rather embarrassed. I know this girl.

"Oh, well sorry sweetie. My names Sophie. I feel like we've met before?" Sophie. Fuck.

"Erm, yeah."

"What's your name again sorry.." she said laughing slightly.

"Demi." I said simply. A look of recognition flashed on to her face, but it was quickly followed by horror and embarrassment.

"Fuck. Demi as in Jennel's Demi?" her eyes wide. I just nodded. This got awkward quickly. "I'm so sorry. I honestly didn't know she was in a relationship, I would never have let it happen if I knew you two were..well.. Together." she said quickly.

"Its okay." I said. No its not fucking okay.

"If it makes things any better Jen dumped me yesterday. Told me there was another girl."

"Yeah, I know." I said. Woops, shouldn't have said that.

"What?" she asked, her eyes widening again. Realisation flushed her face. "Oh my god. I'm so fucking stupid. Its you isn't it? You're the girl. I should've known. She never got over you. She would still scream your name in bed. I don't know if she realised she was doing it cause she never said anything but then neither did I. Look, I've got to go. Take care of her Demi." she said looking rather angry.

"I'm sorry Sophie." I said, I do feel bad for her. I know how it feels to have someone scream someone elses name in bed. It broke my heart the first time it happened. I was with Joe Jonas. His exact words were 'oh fuck Camilla.'. That phrase has haunted me ever since. Needless to say I got a bit mad at him and he kept doing it, so he broke up with me because I was apparently jealous.

"Hey, we're even." she said letting put a sigh and walking away. No way are we even. She didn't fucking cheat on you.

I made my way home. There was a note waiting for me on the dinner table.

'Hey Dem, there's some left over lasagna in the fridge. Just bung it in the microwave of your hungry. I explained it all to Josh and put him to bed. I though I should stay the night because you weren't home and I didn't want josh alone. I'm in Nicole's room, I figured you might want some space. Wake me if you need me.

Love you baby xxxx'

That's nice of her. I'm really not hungry. I made my way upstairs and into the bathroom, I stripped off and stood under the hot water just thinking of the days events and attempting to calm down a little. I washed my body and shut of the water. I dried myself and wrapped a towel around my body before walking to my room. I pulled on some pants and a top and climbed into bed. I checked my phone one last time. Nothing. I put it on charge and stared at the ceiling.

Nicole should be here its not right. I just need to know where she is, its gone midnight and she's out there all alone. What if she's just sleeping in a shop doorway. I cant let my baby live like that.

I found myself getting out of bed and walking down the hall. I quietly entered Nicole's room, her hoodie was sitting on the chair in the corner. I pulled it on and slipped into the next next to a sleeping Jennel. I wrapped myself in her hoodie, it was far too long for me. Jennel woke up. "Hi baby, do you want to go to your room?" she asked wrapping her arms around me.

"No" I replied. I like it in here, I feel closer to her here. I felt Jennel pull my body into hers, we were spooning I guess, she was being the big spoon even though she's shorter than me. I rolled over so that I was facing her. I placed a hand on her cheek. She reopened her eyes and smiled at me.

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