Chapter 16

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Demi's POV

Nicole and Josh are at school and Jen and I are about to enter the studio. Words cannot describe how nervous I am right now.

The lady on reception directed us up onto the third floor and told us there would be someone waiting for us. The lift doors opened and we walked out hand in hand.

"Hello, you must be Demi. I'm Kevin, we spoke yesterday." a tall, well built man greeted us. I'd say he's about mid thirties.

"Hi, Kevin. It’s good to meet you, this is my girlfriend Jennel." I said gesturing towards Jen. He shook both our hands and showed us into a further down the corridor.

Jennel and I took a seat on one side of the desk whilst waiting for whoever was still to arrive. After about five minutes another man walked in. He's shorter than Kevin, but still taller than me. I'd say he was in his fifties. "Hello, sorry I'm late I got a little caught up. Shall we get to it then?" he said shaking our hands quickly and sitting on the other side of the desk. 

"Demi, I'm Simon if you didn't know already. I'll be your manger whilst you're signed here. This is your contract." He said handing me a handful of papers. Now I know where I know him from. He's fucking Simon Cowell. We went through everything and before he asked me if I had any problems with any of it.

"Er, the only thing would be that here it says that I can only have 'approved relationships'." I said.

"Yes?" he questioned.

"I'm already in a relationship and I plan on staying in it for the rest of my life."

"Okay, who is he?"

"It's Jennel." I said, grabbing her hand in her lap.

"Oh. Well, that's fine." He said eventually, looking between us. "As long as you're happy to be public about your relationship that will be fine." I looked over at Jennel, she just smiled and nodded slightly.

"Okay thank you." Simon handed me a pen and I signed the contract. He shook my hand once again.

"Welcome to Syco Demi. If you head down two rooms, you'll find the studio and Kevin should be in there waiting." he said before showing us out of his office. Jennel and I headed down the hall.

"Do you like him?" Jennel asked.

"He seems a little full of himself, but he seems nice as well." I replied. We entered the studio. "Hi Kevin."

"Hey Demi. Got anything we can record?" he asked.

"Only what I sent in." I lied. I just don’t want to sing anything else until I get to know them a little better.

"Give Your Heart A Break?"  he asked, "Okay, get into the booth, we'll do some warm ups and then record.". I walked into the booth leaving Jennel and Kevin alone. I warmed up my voice and just watched them. They were talking and laughing and getting along. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but I'm glad Jen's getting on okay. "Okay, ready Demi?" Kevin's voice rang through the headphones. I nodded in response. He counted in the music and I started singing.  The song ended and I walked out of the booth.

"That was amazing Dem." Jennel complimented me before kissing my cheek.

"Keep singing like that and you'll have a number one." Kevin said. "Want to hear?" he asked.

"Defiantly!" I replied. I sat on the sofa opposite the booth, Jennel sat down next to me. Kevin started to play the track. It's weird listening to yourself sing. I don’t like it, but then I never have liked the sound of my own voice. I just enjoy singing. Ironic, I hate my voice yet I love to sing.

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