Chapter 14

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Nicole's POV

I woke up with Josh in my arms, I slowly moved myself away from him careful not to wake him before switching off the alarm on my phone. He never has woken up from my alarm. I walked into the bathroom and switched on the shower. I took off the plasters and then my clothes before stepping under the hot water. I washed my body and shampooed my hair. I turned off the water and stepped out. I dried my body and stood in front of the mirror. My torso, thighs and arms are covered in scars and fresh cuts. If Demi or anyone for that matter sees this, there will be trouble. I need to be careful, especially around Josh. I don't want him seeing this ever. He's already seen and understands too much for someone of his age.

I wrapped a towel around my hair and slid into my pyjamas again. I walked out to the sight of Josh crying in my bed.

"Josh? What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"I-I thought you had gone again." he stuttered between sobs.

"I told you before, I'm not leaving again." I said just after Demi walked in. I climbed on to the bed and pulled him onto my lap, hugging him.

"You're staying?" Demi asked happily.

"Looks like it." I replied, gesturing to a blubbering Josh. She nodded her head and smiled,

"Come on Josh, lets get you ready for school." she said, Josh jumped off my lap and walked out the room. "Thanks Nicole." she smiled before following after him.

I closed my bedroom door and stripped once again. I pulled on some fresh underwear and my skinny jeans. I decided to wear my Pierce The Veil top and a leather jacket. Today is a non-uniform day. The day we all get judged on what we wear. The day all the bitches come out in more force than normal.

I dried my hair and straightened it, before grabbing my school bag and heading down stairs. "Wow, you remind me of me." Jennel joked.

"Jen give her one of your beanies." Demi said. Jennel dissapeared upstairs. Demi was wearing a 'The only coke I do is diet' top, with some high waisted jean shorts and some heels.

"What are you wearing Demi?!" I asked her.

"Um, clothes?" she replied giggling slightly. "I have more than two styles you know."

"And what would they be?" I teased.

"Teacher, rocker, hipster." she stated.

"I don't get why you dress like that babe." Jennel remarked from behind me.

"Because I like it okay?" she said getting defensive.

"Yeah, but its not vey teacherish is it. And hipster? Seriously Dem?" Jennel said.

"No, but its non-uniform you idiot and do you really think I care?"

"You look like a dick. End of." Jennel said with a smile on her face.

"Maybe, but I'm your dick." Demi responded with a soppy grin on her face. Jennel shook her head, face filled with disgust.

"Ew. No. Stop." I squealed.

"What?!" Demi asked.

"You're my teacher, just stop." Jennel laughed as Josh entered the room. Whilst Demi sorted out breakfast for us Jennel handed me a beanie.

"Dem seems to think you'll look good in this. If you don't want to wear it that's fine. Don't let her bully you." she chuckled. I pulled it on and arrange my hair around it. 

"Awesome, thanks Jennel!"

After about five minutes Demi suddenly shouted, "Right, that's it! We're going to starbucks. I give up." she threw away the pancake mix she had and grabbed the keys. "Everyone to the car!" she ordered.

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