Chapter 1: The Blue Envelope

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You knew it was already morning but still you kept your eyes close. You could hear the noise of the vehicles outside. You could feel the heat of the sun on your face. Then suddenly, someone entered your room without knocking and disturbed you.

"Yaaaaa! Min Na! Unnie, wake up!"

It was Cho Na.

"Ugh! This girl really doesn't know how to calmly just wake me up, so early in the morning." You thought to yourself. Then she went up to your bed and kept on jumping while pulling away your blanket.

"Yaa! Wake up! You really have to wake up, the result had just arrived!"

When you heard her saying "the result", you immediately stood up and rushed down stairs. You totally ignored your sister.

"Omo, aigoo! The results! Really today? How come I forgot about it?! Aish!" You said to yourself and at the same time you keep tapping your forehead.  

As you went to the living room, you saw your father holding the blue envelope and the seal with a logo, the shining Two Moon Academy logo. You see your mother on the other hand, folding her hands as if she was praying. You could see that she was also as tense like you on what the result might be.  

"There you are. You are already awake. The result is here!" Your mother said.

Then Cho Na who was following you shouted "Open it! Open it!"

You looked back at her. "Calm down okay! You're making me more tense!" You shouted back.

"Min Na and Cho Na will you please stop shouting. Here open it." Your father said as he handed to you the blue envelope. You were holding the blue envelope. Your heart beats like a drum. You got mixed feelings going on right now -- feelings of pressure, excitement and horror. Three of them were looking at you. The living room was filled with silence. You slowly opened the blue envelope.

"So this was the how the host of Ms. Universe feels like when they open the result of the winner." You thought.

You put out the paper inside. You closed your eyes. You took it out and faced the result to them.

"You guys read it" You uttered. "What does it says?" You added and still eyes closed.

There was a moment of silence.

"Oh come on! What?" You almost shouted.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" They chorusly shouted.

You opened your eyes and looked at the paper. It was boldly printed at the middle "Congratulations!" and underneath it stated "Welcome to Two Moon Academy."

Three of them looked at you and hugged you.


All of you were jumping and celebrating.

Mom kissed you at your cheeks and held your hand, "I am so proud of you Min Na!"

Then father, grabbed your waist and lifted you up and turned around, "My Min Na is so great! Appa is so proud!" He lifted you up like you are his precious trophy.

"Appa! Appa! Put me down! I'm not a baby anymore! Ya Appa! I feel dizzy!" You pleaded.

"Aigoo, okay. Sorry I just can't help it!" He apologized. Then he put you down.

Cho Na hugged your waist and looked up at you, "Unnie! Congratulations!"

You looked at Cho Na and pinched her cheeks "Kamsamnida, yeodongsaeng!"

"Ouch! Ya! That hurts!" She touched her cheeks and pulled away. All of you laughed.

Then, in an instant you become silent.

Your mother noticed it and asked "Why are you sad?"

"But Umma, Appa we can not afford to send me at the academy even if I passed" You almost remembered.

They both looked each other then they looked at you. Your father went near you and put his arms around yourshoulder. "We don't want to be the reason to stop you from your dreams. We know that you really like to enter the academy. About the expenses for your enrollment, your mother and I decided that we will sell the shop."

You were completely shocked. You did not know that they had a plan like this. You looked at them. "But Umma, Appa, you cannot  do that! The flower shop is already part of our lives. It is our family's business. If we lost it then we lose everything. Please do not do this because of my selfish dream!"

Your mother went near you and held your hand and she also looked at Cho Na and also reached out her hand and continued, "Min Na and Cho Na, your dreams are also our dreams. Don't ever feel like you are selfish because as your parents, we will do everything for the both of you. There are things we really need to sacrifice because we believe that both of you are more important. You are all worth of our sacrifice. We love you. Please remember that."

You totally agreed on what your mother had said but still you wanted to disagree. "But if we lose the shop, where are we going to get our finances? There are still other schools out there where I could enroll aside from Two Moon Academy."

"Min Na please do not be so hard headed. Your mother and I already thought of that. I will apply as company driver while your mother will put up a small fruit stand at the market, we know its not enough..."

But before your father could finish his words you interrupted, "This is crazy! You will not sell the Lucky Blossoms. Umma and Appa, I will not enroll at Two Moon Academy. AND this is final!" You blurted out.

You tore into pieces  the result of the examination in front of them. Your father, mother and your sister were shocked with your burst of anger.

"Unnie! What are you doing?!" Cho Na said.

You turned your back to them and ran upstairs to your room. You could hear your father yelling at you to come back. Your mother called out your name.

Even though, you could hear them, you ignored all of them.

You shut the door behind and locked it. You sat beside your bed in a fetal position and cried. You cannot withstand the idea.

You blame yourself.


My apologies if ever you encounter wrong spelling or grammatical errors.

And for those who are new reading this Fan Fic, if you hate spoilers, might as well avoid reading the comments.



-Reena (Former Username: GuardMeJunMyeon)

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