Chapter 50: Trouble

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After you and Kai had visited his father and Mr. Sun seosaengnim at Seoul Memorial Park, you went next to the Han River. Since it's pretty cold, you both went to a coffee shop and drank some hot coffee to at least warm up. Kai also ordered some doughnuts. Then after you both finished eating and drinking your coffee, you and Kai took a walk along the riverside.

It was getting dark as the city lights began to reflect at the river. It was such a beautiful sight. No wonder many people love to go in this place. It has been a long time since you went here.

You and Kai were walking side by side. He kept on stealing glances at you while you kept your eyes at the river.

"So D.O hyung told everything about EXO's past especially about me?" Kai asked.

You looked at him and you were a bit surprised with his question. You thought he didn't want to talk about it.

"Ah yeah. So you and D.O used to be best buddies huh?" You replied.

"Yes. And I know he's mad at me. If you only know Min Na, how I was such a bad boy." He said and you saw him sighed.

"He was not mad at you. He actually misses you. D.O misses his best friend." You said as you gently patted his back.

"Did he say that?" He inquired.

"He didn't exactly say that he misses you. But I can see in his eyes, he was longing that you and him would be just like the way before. I hope you don't get me wrong but I think you should go and reconcile with him." You answered.

"Do you think hyung could still forgive me?" Kai asked.

You halted and you held both of his arms to face you.

"Kai, all of us are not perfect so who we are not to forgive? Someone even told me, 'Everyday choose to love and everyday choose to forgive'. And I am telling you D.O will forgive you." You assured as you gave him a smile.

Kai also smiled. You words reminded him of someone also. "You know what, you are truly like your mother. What you told me was like similar to what she told me before." He said.

"Really?" You asked. You began to wonder how your mother and Kai was so close.

He nodded. Then he held both of your hands and looked in your eyes.

"But Min Na, I wanna thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for everything." He said.

"You are welcome." You muttered.

As you were staring in his eyes, you could feel your cheeks flaring red. You averted your eyes and looked down.

"Ah, come on let's keep walking!" You said trying to shift his attention as you tagged him along with you. Kai just followed.

You both continue to take a walk. You saw people doing various things as you passed by. Some were sitting on the grass and adoring the scenery of the Han River. Some were even taking pictures. But there were a lot of couples also. You could not blame them, the Han River was a romantic place.

It was already seven in the evening. Kai thought it would be better to go home since he promised to your mom that you'll be home before nine.

"Hey Min Na-ah, I think we should go home. Let's go back to the car." He said but he noticed that you looked like you were not okay.

"Can we rest first? My feet are sore. We had been walking like an hour already." You complained.

Kai remember that the parking lot was a bit far so walking back again would really make you tired. He bent down in front of you, his back against you. You were puzzled on what was he doing

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