Chapter 60: Take Every Chances

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Suho stepped down on his Maserati as he handed his car keys to their family driver to parked his car at their garage. It was already past eight in the evening. The boys decided to eat out for dinner after their practice a while ago so he went home already quite late. He was sad though because you and Kai didn't join. He don't know but he heard Lay and Chen that you and him went out on a date.

"Good evening Young Master!" Mr. Sol greeted and bowed his head.

"Good evening." He responded. He was about to proceed to his room but Mr. Sol called his name again.

"What is it Mr. Sol?" Suho asked impatiently because he was really tired and all he wanted now is to take a rest.

"I am sorry Young Master but your father has been waiting for you and he said he wanted to talk to you as soon as you got home." Mr. Sol said.

Suho don't know why but he felt anxious in an instant. He pursed his lips and sighed. He thought it would be the right time to tell his father his plans for his future.

"Arraso Mr. Sol. I'll just go and change my clothes." He replied.

"Okay Young Master. I will inform your father that you had arrived." Mr. Sol bowed and walked ahead.

Suho went to his room and change his clothes. He immediately went to his father's home office which was just beside his parent's bedroom. His mother was already outside, walking to and fro the corridor and that made him more tense. He approached his mother and kissed her cheek and greeted her a good evening.

"What is going on? Why does father wanted to talk to me?" Suho asked Mrs. Kim.

Mrs. Kim just held his son's hands and smiled.

"I don't know honey. Don't worry no matter what happens I am always here for you. Now go inside." Mrs. Kim ordered.

Suho nodded as he knocked gently at the door and went inside. He spotted his father standing while staring outside the window and as soon as his youngest son entered he turned his back to face him. Suho gulped in nervousness as his father looked serious. He first bowed and greeted him.

"Well, how was your dinner with your friends?" His father asked as he settled to the sofa.

Now that surprised him because he was expecting his father to be mad because he already went home late. But he thought maybe his father was just trying to act calm.

"We had a great time. I'm so sorry father for not joining you and mom for dinner." He said.

"That's good to know. Come take a seat." His father said as he patted the space beside him as he smiled.

He don't know why but it's totally scaring him the way his father talks to him right now. He was not used to his father being like this because normally, whenever his dad wanted to talk to him, the first thing his father would do was to shout at him and lectured him with his mistakes. However, this time, his father is acting strange. He sat beside his father and distracted himself by playing his fingers. He was just tensed right now.

His father was smiling as he observes his youngest son. It was obvious that his son was nervy. He admit that it was also his fault why his youngest son felt like this. He had always been a strict and a perfectionist father towards his son. And now he wanted to be the father that his youngest son needs. A father who would accept his son's imperfections because he is also imperfect. A father who would support his son to achieve his dreams. A father who could be a friend, a companion and like an older brother. A father who would love his son no matter who he is. That is a kind of father he wanted to be for his youngest son.

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