Chapter 15: Jealous

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It's Club Fair Day! There were no classes to gave way for the event. Every club assured that their booths would attract more members as this was the goal of the event. You toured around to know what did every club prepared to promote their clubs and gather more members.

The school quadrangle instantly looked like there's a fiesta going on. Everything is colorful. Their were colorful banners, balloons and even a loud music playing on. The music came from the Dance Club. Lay and other members of the club were showing off their dance moves. Girls were so amazed especially to Lay. All eyes were set on him. Kai was no where to be found. Stephanie was there signing up for membership as she has this high regards to herself that she was born to be a dancer.

The Aegyo Club set up a photo booth and mostly girls were lining up for membership. Sehun who seemed to be enjoying posing to and fro with the girls at the photo booth. It looked like it turned out to be Sehun's Fan Club. On the other hand, the Arts Club made a huge freedom wall as to let everyone who's interested could doodle, draw or whatever at the wall. You saw Kris he was drawing something also at the wall. You went beside him and take a look.

"Wow! What a cute pig is that!" You said as you heard some guys behind you laughing.

Kris turned his head and narrowed his eyes on them. They immediately stopped from laughing. It seemed like they were also members of the Arts Club as they assisted some students who were signing up for membership.

You looked at Kris he seemed sad with what you said. "Hey Kris! Did I say something wrong?" You asked.

He smirked. "Min Na, this is not a pig. It's.. it's a wolf." He said with a serious face.

You were ashamed of what you've said as you gasped and covered your mouth. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought it was.." You said as Kris interrupted, "No it's okay you know as an artist we have different interpretations on how we illustrate things."

You nod your head, "Yes, you are right. Artist like you have really good imaginative brains." You said.

"Uh hmm."He agreed as he was continuously finishing his drawing.

You then just went away quietly.

"Now I understand why Tao laughed hard when Kris said that he was a good artist. " You thought as you shook your head.

Speaking of Tao. You saw him demonstrating some of his Wu Shu skills to some of the students who were at the Wushu and Karate Club booth. For you, he looked hilarious but cute at the same time while he was doing some of the poses but Tao's face was really serious while doing it.

The Glee Club put up a karaoke at their booth. You saw Baekhyun. He saw you passing by as he called your name and approached you.

"Hey! Min Na! What do you think?" Baekhyun asked.

"That's cool huh!" You said as pointing out to the karaoke.

You saw Macy singing but her voice, it was completely out of tune and she was shouting the high notes.

You saw some students who were registering at the booth covered their ears.

You and Baekhyun also covered your ears.

"Well THAT is not cool!" Baekhyun replied as both of you laughed.

When she was already done singing, she asked the students watching her to gave her some round of applause but they ignored her.

You looked at Baekhyun. "Hey! I haven't heard you singing yet! Can you not give me a sample out there?" You inquired.

"Oh no no! Not now Minnie! I'm busy, I need to go! Bye!" He said as he immediately went away.

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