Special Chapter

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Min Na smiled as she looked around her room. Her study table which was near the window, her all time favorite books at the shelves and her small bed which was always comfy enough for her. They were all still in their place just the way she left it ten years ago. Nothing has changed.

As she took a last glance of her in the mirror, nothing much has also changed. She was wearing a blue faded jeans and a simple white blouse. She always hate wearing dresses anyway. She applied minimal make up on her face and tied her hair in a low pony tail.

She was still the simple Min Na. Nothing has changed.

If there would be a biggest change in her life, that would be the shining and glistening diamond ring on her finger. She would always feel like butterflies were hovering in her stomach every time she stared at the ring. She couldn't believe that the biggest change in her life only happened last night.

Recalling what happened last night while Suho was kneeling in front of her and saying those words, it was like seventh heaven.

And even for the past ten years, I never stop thinking about you. I never stop loving you. It was only you that my heart beats for. Hence, I came into a decision, that you are truly the woman that I want to spend my whole life with. And I won't be asking you to be my girlfriend anymore. Because right now, I want to begin my forever with you. So Han Min Na, my angel, WILL YOU MARRY ME?

How can she never say yes when in the past ten years, it was always him and him all along. She was glad that she waited for him. He had always been worth the wait.

A knock at her door made her disrupted.

"Come in!" She sang.

Mr. Han entered her room and he could see how her eldest daughter had grown so much. She was truly now a woman.

"Good morning appa!" Min Na happily greeted.

"Good morning too. He is already waiting for you downstairs." His father spoke.

"Oh really? Don't worry I'm already done." She replied as she sling her bag on her arm.

However, she froze the moment her father held both of her hands. He smiled as he saw the ring on her finger. Then he looked back at her face and smiled again.

"You don't know how much I am happy for you Min Na. I couldn't believe that my eldest daughter is soon getting married."

It was one of the sweetest words that Min Na heard from his father. She was so moved that she didn't notice that tears fell from her eyes. She hugged him tight and his father did the same.

"Thank you appa. Thank you so much. Thank you for giving him another chance." Min Na whispered.

"Everybody deserves another chance." His father responded.

"Thanks appa! I love you so much." She said as she pulled away.

"Your welcome Min Na and I love you too. Did you know how your fiancé bug me almost every week for the past ten years?" Mr. Han retorted.

She shook her head. She actually had no idea how he was able to pursue her father to forgive him.

"That kid really. He would go here often in our house or at our flower shop just to say sorry. If you only knew, it was like a kazillion times that he apologize to me. But thanks to him though, Lucky Blossoms literally blossomed because of him. If it was his free day, he would go at the shop and help me and your umma. I guess that was the time I already forgave him. The flowers were always sold out because of his fans. The line at the shop was such a blockbuster." His father narrated as he chuckled.

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