Chapter 62: Birthday

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"Eomma, do I really have to wear this dress?" You whined like a kid while facing in front of the mirror.

"Min Na, how many times you have to ask that? And how many times do I have to answer you that, YES you need to wear that dress." Your mother answered.

Your mother insisted you to wear the peach lace dress that you received from her during your last birthday. You were dreading to wear that dress since you were not found of wearing such. However, your mother was so persistent. She lectured you that you have to be presentable since you will be meeting your future "father and mother in law".

"But eomma! You know I hate wearing dresses!" You complained.

Your mother sighed as she was getting frustrated with you ranting just because of the dress. She held both of your shoulders so you could face her.

"Min Na, first impression last. You told me, this is your first time that you will be meeting Jun Myeon's father so please just wear that dress and stop whining like a kid. Arraso?" Your mother asserted.

"Fine." You mumbled as your pouted you lips.

"Eonnie! Jun Myeon oppa is..." Cho Na shouted but she was not able to finish her sentence when she saw you. Her mouth was hanging open as she walked slowly towards you. She looked at you from head to foot several times.

"Ya Cho Na-ah! Why are you looking to me like that huh?" You asked as you were getting conscious with the way she looks at you.

"Daebak eonnie! You look more human today!" Cho Na exclaimed as she laughed

Your mother giggled with what your dongsaeng had said while you hissed because definitely she is teasing you again.

"Ya! You guys are so mean! I'll go ahead!" You said as you grabbed your bag, slipped on to your black flats and went out of your room.

Suho was waiting for you at your living room while talking with your father. They both paused when they saw you coming down from the stairs. Suho was like bolt from the blue as he saw you.

"Love the view eh?" Your father whispered to Suho as he poked his side. Suho couldn't help but blush on what your father had said as he brushed his nape.

You were there looking at the two of them skeptically.

"Why? Do I look like..." You were cut off when both Suho and your father spoke.

"Beautiful." They chorally said.

Your mother and Cho Na who was just behind you exchanged looks and giggled.

Suho walked towards you as he held your hand and laid a gentle kiss.

"Good morning angel!" He said.

You blushed with his sweet gesture as you heard your mother and your sister said "Oh". You looked at them and shot them a glare.

"Ehem, ehem." Your father who was intentionally clearing his throat making his presence known.

"Jun Myeon, make sure you'll bring my Min Na home safely okay?" Your father said.

Suho bowed his head. "Yes sir, I will."

After that, you kissed your father and your mother as both you and Suho bid goodbye. You were now inside his car. Suho couldn't help but glance at you once and in a while. He noticed that you were quiet. He knew you were just tense. And yes, you are actually anxious right now since in any minute you will be meeting personally for the first time, his father. Suho opened up to you before about his father and from his story, you could tell that he is strict and delicate.

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