Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Mel's  POV

Rennie was driving along the highway heading out of our town, Silver-dale. I was looking out the window with silent tears running down my cheeks .

 I felt numb. "Rennie,  please help me. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm so confused. Please! Can we stop somewhere?"

Rennie took a quick glance away from the road and nodded.  I could tell she was worried. She was chewing her lip like she always did that when she was worried about something.

We were in the parking lot of some restaurant.  I told her everything, from Tyler's crush to what happened with Zack today. I was waiting for her to say something. Anything, but then she turned to face me. She had the biggest smile I had ever seen .

"What"? I asked. Then she giggled. I was starting to get mad. I have just poured my heart out to her and she giggles? "WHAT?" I said more abruptly.

"Oh Mel, you really haven't a clue, have you?" Rennie said.

I looked at her like she had gone mad. "Come on lets get you home. You will be OK, hunny. I promise. This will all sort itself out sooner then you think." Rennie said .

I gave her a big cuddle. "Thank you, Rennie. You're the best friend in all the world." :O) x

Zack's  POV

I was at home in my room when my brother banged on my door.

"Bro, what's going on? You have been locked in there since we got back from school." It was now 10pm .

I opened the door up and walked back to my bed. I laid there starring up at the ceiling knowing Mason was right behind me.

Mason is my twin brother. We are identical, except for our eyes. I have Ma-ma's green eyes, where as Mason has Papa's blue eyes.

"I've found my mate." I said .

"Well Congrats man!" He was reaching over giving me a man hug!

"WOW! That's the best news ever! What's her name? What does she look like? Have you told Ma-ma?"

 I just looked up at him and by the expression on his face, I could see he finally realized something was wrong .

Mason's POV

"Bro what's wrong? Why the sad look man? You should be with her now!"

Zack just got up and walked to the bathroom. I followed, "Well?"  "Ok," he sighed, "Her name is Melissa but everyone calls her Mel for short. She is the most beautiful girl I have any ever seen in my life. She has the most amazing green eyes but they have this sad look. It was as if she has put a wall up or something!"  He took a deep breath with a tear escaping. I put my hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze, not saying anything. Just letting him know I'm here and listening. "It broke my heart seeing her so sad. I couldn't take it. She looked so scared. I walked away from her. I'm so stupid! Bro, I just left her there!" he managed to tell me through his sobs.

I always thought it was going to be so straight forward when we meet our mates. Listening to my Bro though, I think I was totally wrong.

I must admit though, even seeing him like this, it still made me feel jealous because I have not been so lucky as to find my mate yet.

Edited by Avecna!!! Thank you so much :)

Thanks to everyone for voting and commenting!!!

As always they were very much appreciated :)

All my love Mel x


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