Boy's Night out ( 1 )

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Joshua Bradley's POV

Freya : You busy tonight?

Josh : yeah sorry Freya, I already said that I would go out with the boys.

Freya : fine...

Josh : sorry, maybe we can do something on Thursday? :)

Freya : Like what?

Josh : Dinner at a fancy restaurant for our 5th year anniversary?

Freya : okay, Love ya!

Josh : Love you too Freya.

Smiling down at the box in my hand, I think i finally reached a good point in my life. Putting the box in my nightstand I fix the collar in my shirt and place my phone into my jean pocket. Taking one last glance at my hair in the mirror, I smile content and happy with life.

Exiting my room, I'm meet with Vik who wore a black buttoned up shirt and gray trousers and his white and black high tops.

"You ready to go?" He questioned excitement clear in his voice.

"I think so" I said checking for my wallet.

"Alright Boys?" JJ smiled cheerfully as we grabbed both our shoulders. He wore an all black outfit and his black snapback.

"Simon get your white ass down here" JJ yelled deafening me.

"Its milk bottle white actually " Simon corrected as he jogged down the stairs.

He was wearing a navy polo and somewhat similar pants to Vik.

"Well boys, this party will be lit" JJ yelled as he ran down the stairs almost tripping at the last step. I rolled my eyes while the other two laughed. We had ordered an uber to pick us up since everyone was going to be drinking.

JJ talked away with the uber who seemed somewhat taken back about how loud JJ was being. We all stifled our laughter and glanced out the window watching the now dark London sky.

We arrived at the new club JJ had been taking about for the past week. Lately we've been going out a lot if more, I guess we mastered an organized schedule.

As we lined up outside the club, JJ was already talking to some random person. The music was booming and was heard from the next street over. It was hard enough to hear our own conversation outside not a mind inside.

Entering the club we all rush to the bar and get drinks. Some shots were passed around and we began to get into the party mood.

After a couple of drinks JJ had returned and he started to talk to us about the people who he was talking to. I'd give an occasionally nod or laugh not really getting what he was talking about. Myself and Simon shared a confused look as  he started talking about some other guy who runs a chipper?

Vik ended up wandering towards the bathroom.

"Hey guys" Ethan yelled loudly.

"Took you guys long enough to come" I yelled with a chuckled.

Ethan, Harry, Tobi and Cal all ordered another round of shots and we began a conversation I actually understood.


Simon Minter's POV

I glanced over to Josh who seemed to be out of it. The others noticed and looked to me. I gave a simple shrugged and Tobi shook his head.

"You alright m8" Tobi shouted over the loud music. Josh looked towards the male and his eyes seemed cold.

"Yeah I'm fine, just going to pop outside to get some air" He said and placed his drink on the bar. He then pushed past us and walked out the door.

"What was that about?" Vik questioned returning from his adventure to the bathroom.

I glanced over to where Josh was looking previously. The others followed my gaze.

"Oh shit..." JJ gasped.

There stood Freya, Josh's girlfriend kissing and grinding on top of some douche bag with flame tattoos.

"Please tell me that's Freya's twin sister or something" Ethan said loudly.

"I wish it was" I sighed as I rushed outside.

"Sorry did you see a male with a blue checkered shirt and a beard walk out?" Tobi questioned the bouncer at the door.

"Oh yeah, he hopped in a taxi just a minuet ago" He said pointing in the direction of the Sidemen house.

"Thanks mate" Tobi said as he pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?" Harry questioned Tobi.

"I'm going to text see if his alright" Tobi said this face twisting into a mixed expression.


Tobi lerone's POV

Tobi : You alright m8?

Josh : I'm good , just got a killer headache.

Josh : don't need to come home.

"Love how he knew I was going to get a taxi home" I chuckled lightly.

"Should we go home?" Simon questioned.

"I don't think so, I think he just needs time to think alone" I sighed.

Heading back inside we ordered more drinks and began to talk about something other then the events that just occurred.

"Where's JJ" Cal questioned.

"Oh no no no" Harry said as JJ began to approach Freya.

"So you think its okay to cheat on Josh?" JJ yelled. He face dropped as she saw all of us approach her.

"Who are these twats?" The doucebag questioned.

"Are you here 'Bf'" Simon questioned his voice laced with venom.

"I am" he snarled facing Simon.

"Pathetic" I mumbled dragging JJ away while Harry dragged Simon.

The night ended with no happy ended, most were less drunker than usual as we loaded into two taxi's.


Olajide Olatunji/ JJ's POV

As we exited the Uber Simon paid. Vik unlocked the door as we switched in the lights.

"Should we see how Josh is doing?" Vik questioned quietly.

"I doubt he wants to see anyone right now" I said gripping my head already feeling the pain from the alcohol. I'm going to have a killer Hangover tomorrow.

As we all said our goodbyes and departed to our rooms I thought about how Josh must of been feeling. His been going out with Freya for what? Like 5 years now and she done that behind his back? I wonder how long she's been a whore. She was actual pretty decent when we first met her but over the years she's turned into a right bitch.

Falling face first onto my bed I feel asleep.

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