Home bound ( 28 )

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Joshua Bradley's POV

"Josh Josh Josh Josh" Simon's voice repeated over and over again as he bounced onto of me.

I slowly opened my eyes blinking at the bright light within the room. My eyes focused on Simon who was already dressed.

"Is that my polo?" I laughed as I noticed him wearing my navy polo.

"Pft, No!" Simon chuckled.

"Hmh" I smiled as I reached to phone.

"Get off your phone" Simon ordered. I frowned and threw it onto his bed.

"You've got all my attention" I said as I placed my hands on his hips.

"Good" he smirked as he kissed my lips.

"Now get up and get ready" he said getting off of me and passing me clothes.

"Why and did you seriously need to pick out an outfit for me?" I questioned confused.

"Well I much rather you stay as naked as possible but we can't go out in public with you naked or people would be starring at my man" Simon said as he bounced out of our room.

I quickly got changed into a black polo and grey jeans. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my phone and wallet.

Confused on where Simon was gone I grabbed my key card and went to look for him.

"Hey Josh" Harry said as he ran up to me.

"Elloh" I replied as I glanced around the lobby for Simon.

"You alright m8" Harry questioned.

"Yeah I'm just wondering where Moné is gone to" I chuckled.

"His with Tobi" Harry replied as we walked towards JJ and Vik who were already sitting at a table already.

"I don't want to go home" I huffed sitting down and looking out the window at the pool.

"No one does" Ethan said taking a seat next to me.

Simon and Tobi where the last to arrive and I gave Simon a confused look only earning a smirk back.

Still confused on what Simon was up to I ate my breakfast chiming into the conversation whenever I could.


"Remember we've to be down the lobby at 12" Harry ordered. Although he was the youngest he was probably the most responsible out of us all.

We all departed back into our rooms and began packing.

"Why'd you leave this morning" I frowned looking up to Simon who was packing his bathroom stuff.

"No reason, just wanted to give you time to wake up and get ready" Simon replied.

"Hmh" I let out a hum not really buying it. I really want to know what he talked to Tobi about. I don't like not knowing if it's bad or good and I was going to go out on a Lim and say that it was probably about me.


We boarded the plane with frowns on our faces. No one wanted to leave but I knew for a fact we all missed making videos.

JJ was sat next to Harry and Ethan And Vik were across from each other with Tobi all alone next to some Woman. I was lucky to sit next to Simon.

"I swapped tickets with Tobi" Simon said causally as we both settled in.

"So that's what you two were talking about" I said mostly to myself.

"Why what did you think we talked about?" Simon questioned.

"Uh... Nothing" I said as I turned airplane mode on my phone.

"Joshua" Simon said. I turned to face him. I frowned seeing he held a serious face.

"I thought you were talking about me or something" I shrugged.

"Nope just about swapping seats and anyway if I was to talk about you it would be all good things" Simon laughed. I smiled and pulled his hand into mine.

He glanced down and looked up a smile plastered on his face.


Tobi's POV

"I swear they are going out" Ethan chuckled as I showed him a picture of them sleeping on the plane.

They held each other's hand and Simons head was resting on Josh's shoulder while Josh's head laid on Simon's. It was to cute not to snap a picture of it.

Myself Ethan and Harry all sat in a cab heading back to the tower. The weather was spitty rain and God did I want to be back in Spain.


Simon Minter's POV

"Josh" I questioned slowly pecking in his bedroom door. I didn't see him at first seeing as he was fast asleep under the covers.

I smiled lightly as I pressed a kiss to his forehead and back out if the room.

Josh told me on the plane that he was going to go to his moms house again. He never usually went up their twice in a month but as he said it was important.

In all honesty I don't know if I can go a day without him near me. It's bad enough that his down a flight a stairs from me, but an hour away from me is going to kill me.

But I know i will be preoccupied with videos and stuff so I'll get through it... I hope.

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