Daddy Zerk ( 19 )

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Simon Minter's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I blindly searched for my phone and turned it off.

"You talk in your sleep" Josh's voice filled the room. I opened my eyes and glanced towards the window where Josh stood.

"How long have you been awake" I questioned seeing he was wearing a white shelveless button up shirt and black jeans.

"Eh I slept for an hour" he shrugged picking his phone up from the bed.

"You don't sleep a lot do you?" I chuckled.

"Better things to do instead of sleeping" Josh said looking towards me.

"Like what" I said getting out if bed and throwing on my clothes from before.

"Like going out and getting us food" Josh said as he glanced up from his phone, his eyes were an unusual colour from what they usual are.

"I'm going to take a shower" I said as I grabbed a pair of jeans and my SDMN sweatshirt. Josh nodded and returned to doing whatever he was on his phone.


Joshua Bradley's POV

"Welcome to our room Joshua" Tobi said letting me into their room.

I glanced around already seeing JJ's mess.

"He won't wake up, I think his dead" Tobi said gesturing to the snoring male in the bed.

I walked over to the sink and filled a cup of water.

"Josh" Tobi warned.

"JJ" I questioned hoping for a reaction.

I began pouring water on him only for him to hit me in the balls.

I feel to the floor, laughing and crying at the same time.

"You mother fucker" JJ said sitting on top of me.

"Call 911 I'm dying" I said laughing.

"I'm sorry Bro" JJ said helping he up.

"Im not going to attempt to wake you up anymore" I chuckled exiting their room.


"Room service" I called out as I knocked on Ethan, Harry and Vik's door.

"Who is it?" Ethan yelled.

"Daddy Zerk checking on us" Harry called back letting me in.

"I'm bored" I whined.

"What do you want us do about it" Vik questioned drinking his water.

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"Where's Simon?" Ethan questioned fixing his hair in the mirror.

"In the shower" I replied glancing through their fridge.

"What's Tobi and JJ up too?" Harry questioned fixing his shirt.

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