Am I Not Good Enough ( 24 )

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Joshua Bradley's POV

As we leaned in closer, I realised what I was doing so I quickly let go of his shoulders and smiled a fake smile. Simon looked confused but he put on a smile that looked real, or I hoped was real.

We talked about some random stuff as we both laid in our beds. Acting like we hadn't nearly Kissed a mere hour ago.


I awoke to my phone ringing. I quickly turned the phone on silent and threw on a pair of shorts. I grabbed my phone and my keycard and exited the room so I wouldn't wake Simon up.

"Hey Sam" I said feeling slightly guilty.

'Hey Josh! How are you getting on in Spain?'

"Yeah it's pretty good" I said as I looked up and down the hallway.

'Is everything alright? You sound a bit off?'

"Look Sam, I hate to do this over a phone but what we have... It has to stop" I said awaiting a bad reaction.

'Yeah, I guess you found out your love for your bestfriend Simon Huh'

"Wait what? Me love Simon!?" I questioned confused how she knew.

'Josh you talk about Simon all the time, it's clear he means a lot to you. I just hope we can still be friends and hang out'

"Of course, I love hanging with you!" I smiled happily.

'Well tell me when you two get together!' She said with a chuckle.

"Eh, I doubt that's going to happen" I said chuckling lightly.

'Josh come on, just tell him how you feel. It will end up killing you' She advised.

"I don't thinks it's a good idea, but I got to go. Thanks for understanding" I said as I saw Ethan waving towards me. I waved back.

'Bye Josh! Text me when you get back' she said and hung up.

"Alright Josh" Ethan smiled.

"I'm A'right, what are you doing up" I questioned.

"Check your phone, JJ spammed the chat" Ethan said as Harry and Vik exited their room and began walking towards us.

I glanced through the texts finally finding the one that actually mattered.

JJ : meeting at 10 for breakfast you coons.

"Wel shit I've 10 minuets" I said hurrying back into the room where Simon stood looking at his phone.

"I was wondering where you got off too" Simon said as he glanced over me.

"Took a phone call outside so I didn't wake you" I said grabbing a new polo and jeans. I quickly got changed into my black jeans and blue and black polo shirt. I slipped on my shoes and threw a SnapBack on not bothering with my hair.


Simon Minter's POV

"So you were about to kiss!" Ethan said with a wide mouth.

"Yeah but he just pulled away and smiled and then just laid in bed?" I frowned. My heart hurt just thinking back to the moment. It made me feel worthless and not good enough.

"Fucking Josh" Tobi cursed the man.

"His so stubborn" Harry sighed.

"Shut up his coming back" Vik warned us.

Josh came back from the bathroom and glanced at us all before sitting down in front of me again.

"What can I get you all" a waitress questioned.

After everyone said their order she nodded and walked away.

"She's right fit, right Josh" JJ smirked.

"Eh, she's alright" Josh shrugged frowning at JJ.

"Would you prefer someone else in this restaurant" JJ laughed.

Josh facial expression turned to a frown to a glare. I gave Tobi a confused look while Vik kicked JJ under the table.


Throughout the whole of breakfast, Josh was quiet as a mouse. He just picked at his food and barely ate all of his pancakes. I worriedly looked towards everyone who glared at JJ who bowed his head in shame.

"What should we do for today boys" Vik questioned.

"We should go on an adventure for Pokemon" Harry said as he stuffed his face with food.

"Sounds good" I agreed.


As we walked back to the hotel, Josh was dead silent and off with his own world. I slowed down for him and he glanced up at me. I gave him a quick smile earning only a nod back.

We entered the hotel and began packing for our adventure.

"Josh are you alright?" I questioned as I heard Josh let out a sigh.

"I'm fine" Josh said as scratched his neck.

"Then why are you so quiet?" I said hoping to get something anything out of him. He glanced up at me and opened his mouth to say something, but he ended up looking like a fish out of water.

"Josh what's up, talk to me please" I begged.

"It's nothing Si" he said as he shoved his headphones in the bag.

"Josh" I whined.

"Simon" He mimicked.

"Josh please just talk to me" I said as I shook his shoulders as he fixed his hair.

"Simon this isn't helping me fix this mess" Josh frowned in the mirror at me as he ruffled up his hair for the thousandth time.

"You should just leave it like this" I said ruffling it more. His hair was softer then a puppy's fur.

"But I never leave it like this" he huffed.

"And you never go 10 minuets without talking but that changed didn't it" I questioned looking at him in the mirror.

"Fine, but I'm bringing a hat just in case" Josh said as he exited the bathroom grabbing his SDMN SnapBack and putting it in his bag.


"Joshua Bradley with messy hair, I'd thought he'd never do it" Tobi said smiling at Josh.

"His the only one who can pull off messy Hair" JJ huffed folding his arms.

"Yeah because you've tried it and ended up looking like a hedgehog" Josh laughed.

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