Football ( 5 )

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Joshua Bradley's POV

Tobi had asked everyone if we could record a football video today seeing as he was able to rent out an indoor pitch. All sidemen agreed expect for harry seeing as he was visiting his family.

"Hey guys so today were going to be playing a game my boy Manny made up, so basically you have 3 chances to hit the crossbar, right foot, trick shot and bad foot. You then have another 3 shots for penalties. The person with the least amount of points will have a forfit and the winner will win a mar's bar" Tobi explained.

"I'm hungry now" I chuckled.

"Daddy" I said waving to the camera as I was about to take my go. I ran up to the ball and hit it with my right foot hitting the crossbar.

"Ayyyy" Simon yelled. They bombarded me in a group hug seeing as I was the first to hit the crossbar.

"Make it two josh" Ethan yelled as I chipped it hitting the crossbar yet again.

"Jesus Josh again" JJ who was on 0 laughed. I just shrugged and laughed.

I ended up missing with my left foot.

"If he would of hit that I would have raged quit" JJ laughed.

The video went smoothly from then on.

"Here's your mars bar Josh" Tobi said handing me the bar.

"Yay" I chuckled.

"Can I have some" JJ questioned walking to me. I opened the bar up and halved the bar with JJ.

"See this is why I love Josh" JJ laughed as he swung his arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you guys for watching, if you enjoyed the video be sure to hit that like button and subscribe and all that good stuff bye" Tobi said turning off the camera.

"Thanks guys" Tobi smiled happily as he closed the tripod and put this equipment in his car.

"No problemoo" I chuckled as I entered Simons car.

"Ready to do some shopping boys" JJ chuckled from the front.

"Can we get more mars bars" I questioned.

"Your the daddy" Simon chuckled.

"Yay!!" I laughed.

Arriving at tesco's we all entered the shop and grabbed a trolley. We began filling it up with mostly junk food and the basics.

"Mars Bars!" I said placing a packet into the trolley.

"And your older then me" Simons said rolling his eyes.

"By three days" I replied.

"Still" simon chuckled as we put all the stuff onto the counter.

"We broke the bank boys" Vik said as we all sat into the car again.

"I blame Josh and his Mars bars" JJ laughed. Simon drive back to the house where we unloaded the stuff.

"At least we actually have food for once" I chuckled as I said goodbye to the guys and went upstairs to edit.

As I began uploading my last video of the day, a knock on my door sprung me out I'd my concentration.

"Come in" I said loudly.

"You busy" Simon questioned.

"Nope, why?" I replied.

"Just wanted to see how you were doing" he shrugged sitting on my bed.

"I'm doing fine, how about you?" I said giving him a suspicious look.

"Extremely tired" Simon yawned out.

"Then go to sleep" I chuckled.

"I can't I still have more editing to do" he whined.

"Come on" I said dragging him out of my room. We walked through the hallway and up the second flight of stairs to Simons room.

"Sleep" I chuckled pushing him onto the bed. I then sat myself in his gaming chair and continued on his editing.

"Josh what are you doing? Simon questioned as he blinked his eyes opened.

"Editing, while you sleep" I said giving him a glare to sleep.

He didn't say anything after that and the room soon filled with soft snores and the clicking of the mouse and keyboard. I was editing one of Simon's fifa videos as JJ entered the room.

"Be quiet" I warned in a whisper.

"Where can I get an editor?" JJ laughed quietly.

"Did he sleep at all last night?" I questioned looking towards the sleeping blond.

"I heard him go down the stairs at like 4, but I think he went to sleep" JJ shrugged.

"He came in to my room looking like he was about to faint" I sighed as I finished editing his video.

"Well, I was going to ask if you all wanted to record a GTA video but I'll wait to later" JJ said twiddling his thumbs.

"I'll ask him when he wakes up" I said as I looked from JJ to Simon. JJ nodded and walked out of the room closing the door quietly.

Halfway through editing a GTA video I heard shuffling from Simon.

"How long was I asleep for?" Simon questioned as he slowly rose from the bed.

"About 4 hours" I chuckled.

"And you stayed editing?" He said surprised.

"I took a ten minuet break and JJ was talking to me" I shrugged.

"Surprised I didn't hear him" Simon chuckled, as I took a sip from my Dr Pepper.

"I've edified two videos, so you should be good" I said putting in his outro.

"Thanks Josh I owe you big time" Simon said patting my back as he stood behind me.

"Happy to help, had nothing better to do anyway" I chuckled as I stood up from his chair and grabbed my Dr. pepper.

"Bye Simon" I said as I exited his room.

"Bye Daddy" Simon chuckled.

"Oh, by the way JJ wants to record a GTA video" I said peeping my head in his door to see him sit at his desk.

"I'll start a Skype call" Simon said as he began clicking. I nodded and closed his door and walked down the small set of stairs to my own room.

We recorded for about a half an hour until JJ voice was about to give out from his shouting and scream.

"Thanks guys for watching" Vik said as we all ended our recordings.

"12 AM boys! I'm going to bed" Harry yawned as we saw him leave the Skype call.

One by one everyone left including myself. I began to edit the video knowing it would be less work for tomorrow and I wasn't all that tired.

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