Call's From Freya ( 2 )

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Simon Minter's POV

I awoke with a pounding headache. Sighing I slowly sat up and scratches my head. As my vision cleared I glanced to my left searching for my phone, instead I see two pills and a water.

Confused I quickly take them and drink the water. I slowly got out of bed and threw on some random clothes and walked downstairs where JJ and Bio had been talking.

"You look confused" JJ chuckled quietly.

"Did you guys have pills and water by your bed this morning too?" I questioned.

"Yup" Vik nodded.

"I'm guessing Josh?" I said wondering if he was up.

"Yeah, I heard him at like 9 in the morning coming in and putting them on the counter what to me" Vik said as we munched on his cereal.

"His been recording all morning" JJ added.

"Did either of you talk to him?" I questioned sitting down on the island next to Vik.

"He hasn't come out of his room yet" JJ sighed.

I frowned and began making myself some breakfast.


Josh Bradley's POV

"Bye guys" I wave to the camera as I did my outro. Turning off the camera and saving the recording to my computer I look through all the videos I've done this morning. A total of 3 videos. I decided to take a break and go for a shower.

I quickly grabbed my new clothes and a towel and exited my room.

"Hey Josh" Vik smiled but sounded weary.

"Heh Vik, how's your head" I questioned.

"Its alright, thanks for the pills and water this morning really helped" Vik nodded a thank you.

"No problem, your not using the bathroom right now?" I questioned.

"No, go ahead I'm just going downstairs" Vik nodded with a smile and I just nodded and entered the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up. I stripped from my clothes and slowly got it and let the water soak my body and hair.

I began to think back to the events of last night. Was I upset? At the start. Was I angry? Very angry, I'd do anything to punch someone or something but I held it in for my sake and for others.
She's been non stop calling and texting me, but j don't have the patience's for her at this moment in time.

Washing my body I think back to the ring still in my nightstand. Saving up, replaying what I was going to say, rehearsing what I was going to say... It was for nothing, only to be cheated on for god knows how long.

Turning of the shower and stepping out, I dry my body and out on my fresh clothes. I dried off my hair and I frowned seeing my skin was paler then usual. I huffed and exited the shower, towel and old clothes in my hands.

"Hey man" JJ said exiting his room holding his head.

"Hungover hit you bad huh?" I somewhat chuckled.

"Like a bitch, thanks for this morning" JJ said playing with the strings of his shorts, for once he was wearing pants.

"No problemo, now if you'll excuse me I must edit" I said as he nodded and headed downstairs.

I entered my room and say my phone about to fall off my desk. I quickly glanced at its buzzing state and sighed seeing it was all from Freya. I checked the messages.

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