Maybe? ( 8 )

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Joshua Bradley's POV

"I'll be there in an hour or two" I said before hanging up the phone. As I checked that I had everything I began to make my way downstairs.

"Hey Josh" JJ said eyeing my bag.

"I'm going to head to my Parents house for the weekend" I explained grabbing a can of Dr. Pepper.

"Oh well have fun!" Vik smiled.

"Where's Simon" I questioned needing to let him know I was leaving.

"Upstairs editing" JJ said making a sandwich.

"Okay thanks" I said dropping my bag by the front door and running up the two flights of stairs.

I knocked on the door and heard a muffled 'come in' I slowly entered seeing JJ was right as he sat at his desk editing.

"Hey josh" Simon said taking his headphones off.

"Hey, I just wanted to say Bye since I'm heading to my parents for the weekend.

"Oh right, well have fun" Simon said bro hugging me.

"I'll see you Monday?" I smiled and he nodded. I closed his door and jogged down stairs and into the living where Vik and JJ were discussing something serious.

"Bye guys" I said as I opened the door.

"Bye josh" JJ yelled from the kitchen I chuckled and shook my head.

I sat into my car and started the engine, I instantly put on some music and began my drive to my parents house.



As the whole gang excluding Josh as he was now gone to his parents chatted about some random game that was coming out, I squinted my eyes seeing it was Freya.

"Yeah Josh said he played the demo and he said it was actually really cool" Simon chuckled but what I didn't expect was for Freya to turn her head at the name 'josh'.

"JJ what are you looking at" Vik questioned.

"Oh I see" Harry sighed.

"Don't all look" Tobi face palmed.

"Is that a different guy she holding hands with?" Ethan inquired.

"How many people is she seeing!?" Simon frowned.

As we changed the topic and ate our food Simon began texting someone. As I notices him smile I nodded to Vik who sat next to Simon, he glanced over and smirked to me.


"So you guys really think Simon likes Josh?" Tobi said leaning against the counter in the kitchen.

"He freaks the fuck out when he hears or sees Freya, his always talking to or about Josh and well he hasn't had a girlfriend in over 2 years" I explained.

"They could just be best mates? But if they went out I'd actually think they'd be a cute couple" Tobi chuckled.

"just watch out for any 'minizerk' moments" Vik chuckled.

"Will do, now can we please go search for Pokemon!" Tobi laughed as they all exited the car.


Josh : How was Nandos?

Simon : it was the usual

Josh : anything good happen?

Simon : not really?

Josh : you seem less talkative today

Simon : just tired

Josh : Then go to sleep.

Simon : stop telling me what to do Daddy Josh

Josh : disobedient Son :/

Simon : fine I'll sleep

Josh : good! I'll ttyl

Simon : bye Daddy

Josh : Bye Simon

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