Chapter 1: Summer Camp

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First Chapter

In the early summer the sun was boiling Hot. The news keep repeating all the grass fires in the area. The air was damp and sticky. Almost like you came out of a shower and touched a sappy leaf afterwards.

" Jacob  are you all ready and packed for Camp?" His mom asked.

" I am getting there mom." Jacob replied.

"Okay deoterant, sunscreen, lotion?" His mom told him.

" Mom it is not like i am moving out for ever or somthing." Jacob said.

" I know. Lets go." The mom locked the door.

Their house was big, but not too big. It was a normal neighborhood friendly know your neighbor type kind of house. Jacob's dad was working in the garage on his old 1985 mustang. Something dad's do with their time besides watching football.

 They got in there small car, which was a Silver VOLVO station wagon. They lived in a big City in California. As Jacob an his mom got higher on the hill there was mist. The mist was blinding.

" Mom are you sure we are going the right way?" Jacob asked.

He started shaking a little. Indeed the mist was freaky.

" Yes I am sure it is on the GPS." his mom said.

Right as they were rolling deeper in the mist, it started clearing up.

" Oh we are here." his mother almost jumped out of the car.

" Okay bye mom." Jacob shouted.

" Hold on there." his mom shouted.

Jacob rolled his eyes and turned around fast. So fast that his shoes sunk into the gravel. He walked over to his mom, with his eyebrows up.

" Yeeesss?" Jacob asked rudely.

" Kiss and huge?" his mom said." Oh happy Halloween."

"No, can I go?" Jacob ask.

" Yes." she said.

 " Bye mom." Jacob ran to the camp grounds,

Jacob ran into a boy. The boy fell over.

" Oh I am sorry." Jacob said.

" No prob. I saw you running from your mom. Almost everyone here did when they were dropped off. I'm Morgan." Morgan said.

" Hey. Jacob. Really everyone ran from their parents?" Jacob asked. 

Morgan nodded his head. The two of them walked down to the camp grounds where a group was. The trees were very tall and Green. The sun shined right through them. Moss ran all over the root of the trees..

The dirt smelled fresh. Everyone gathered on the camp site where everyone is. The Summer Camp guiders counted all of the kids there.

" 46." a man said writing down." 20 boys and 26 girls."

A female started talking. Her voice sounded sweet or cute. She had blonde hair, a Pink shirt and shorts on.

" Hello everybody I am Sarah and will be one of your guiders." Sarah stated.

" Everyone JUST HAVE FUN." am man yelled who was also one of the guiders." But no wondering off."

Some kid looked at each other with a grin like Ooohhh Yeeeaaahhhh. Some of the kids didn't want to listen so they wondered off. It got dark. And a camp fire was made. Some people gathered around the fire and ate. Hot dogs. Some mist started forming because of the cold coming in. If you looked to the top of the evergreen trees you could see the tops swaying side to side.






Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this, I'm going to post more chapters to come. 

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